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Dragons Dogma Online - Server


Server Emulator for the Game Dragons Dogma Online.


The project is intended for educational purpose only.

Developer Setup

  1. Clone the repository

  2. Install .NET 6.0 SDK or later

  3. Use your IDE of choice

    1. Visual Studio

      1. Open the DragonsDogmaOnline.sln-file

      2. Note: Minimum version of "Visual Studio 2022" or later.

    2. VS Code

      1. Download IDE:

      2. C# Plugin:

      3. Open the Project Folder: \Arrowgene.DragonsDogmaOnline

    3. IntelliJ Rider


      2. Note: Minimum version of "IntelliJ Rider 2021.3" or later.

      3. Open the DragonsDogmaOnline.sln-file

  4. Debug the Project

    1. Run the Ddon.Cli-Project with arguments server start


The application (server) requires the (ASP).NET runtime 6 to function. Alternatively the SDK also works and is required when building from source.

On a high level, a total of four components are required to successfully connect a client:

  1. Web server

  2. Login server

  3. Game server

  4. Database

All of these components are provided & automatically started up in the default developer setup outlined above.

As the developer setup relies on an embedded SQLite database, this might not suite all production needs (e.g. the embedded SQLite setup currently lacks ARM binaries). Thus, two more relational databases are supported:

Container setup

It is also possible to run a containerized setup. A Dockerfile is provided which encapsulates everything required to build & publish the server from source. Three separate docker-compose files are provided depending on the desired database. None of these actually reference any image and instead rely on ad-hoc source code builds as the image is currently not publicly available.

  1. SQLite-enabled docker-compose

    1. docker-compose up

  2. MariaDB-enabled docker-compose

    1. docker-compose -f docker-compose.mariadb.yml up

  3. PostgreSQL-enabled docker-compose

    1. docker-compose -f docker-compose.psql.yml up

Useful run commands

  • Force rebuild docker-compose up --build

  • Clean up & delete persistent volumes (data) as well docker-compose down -v

  • Only build the image docker-compose build

  • Build for other runtimes, e.g. arm64 RUNTIME=linux-arm64 docker-compose build

  • All-in-one clean & rebuild docker-compose down -v && docker-compose up --build

  • All-in-one clean & rebuild & arm64 RUNTIME=linux-arm64 docker-compose down -v && docker-compose up --build


With default configuration the server will listen on following ports:

52099 - http/download
52000 - tcp/gameserver
52100 - tcp/loginserver

ensure that no other local services listen on these ports.


Launch the client with the following args:

"DDO.exe" "addr=localhost port=52100 token=00000000000000000000 DL= LVer= RVer=3040008"


Login Server

  • ✓ Account

  • ✓ Character Creation

Game Server

Party Management (Party List)

  • ❏ Party Members

    • ✓ View Arisen Profile

    • ❏ Send Tell

    • ❏ Send Friend Request

    • ❏ View Status and Equipment

    • ✓ Promote to Party Leader

    • ✓ Kick from Party

    • ❏ Invite to Group Chat

    • ✓ Disband Party

    • ❏ Invite to Entryboard

    • ❏ Follow with Autorun

    • ❏ Cancel Party Invite

    • ❏ Decline Party Invite

    • ❏ View Party List

    • ✓ Leave

    • ❏ Invite Directly to Clan

  • ❏ Main Pawns

    • ❏ View Pawn Profile

    • ✓ Invite to Party

    • ✓ Kick from Party

    • ❏ View Status and Equipment

  • ❏ Support Pawns

  • ❏ Party Search

    • ❏ Search

    • ❏ Simple Request

  • ❏ Player Search

    • ❏ View Arisen Profile

    • ✓ Invite to Party

    • ❏ Send Tell

    • ❏ Send Friend Request

    • ❏ Invite to Group Chat

    • ❏ Invite to Entryboard

    • ✓ Search




The work on this project should happen via feature-branches

Feature branches (or sometimes called topic branches) are used to develop new features for the upcoming or a distant future release. When starting development of a feature, the target release in which this feature will be incorporated may well be unknown at that point. The essence of a feature branch is that it exists as long as the feature is in development, but will eventually be merged back into develop (to definitely add the new feature to the upcoming release) or discarded (in case of a disappointing experiment).

  1. Create a new feature/feature-name or fix/bug-fix-name branch from master

  2. Push all your changes to that branch

  3. Create a Pull Request to merge that branch into master

Best Practise

C# Coding Standards and Naming Conventions

Object Name Notation Char Mask Underscores

Class name




Constructor name




Method name




Method arguments




Local variables




Constants name




Field name




Properties name




Delegate name




Enum type name





Contributors / Making It Happening

Let me preface with that this work could not exist without the excellent work of various individuals - Ando - Reverse Engineering & Tooling (Session Splitter, Camellia Key Cracker) - David - Reverse Engineering (unpacking PC Executable, defeating Anti Debug and CRC checks) - The White Dragon Temple - Nothilvien [@sebastian-heinz]( - Reverse Engineering & Server Code

(if you have been forgotten please reach out)

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