An easy to use textual todo editor for Eclipse
You can find a general introduction here.
The editor can be installed via the following update site:
Note: The editor requires Xtext, which can be installed via:
The editor is also available as a standalone Eclipse RCP application. The application runs on windows, linux and mac. You can build the application via:
git clone git://
cd eclipse-task-editor
mvn clean install
The zipped applications can be found in plugins/de.sebastianbenz.task.rcp/target/products/task-editor-*.zip and a zipped update site is located in tools/de.sebastianbenz.task.update-site/target/
The eclipse task editor can be used to create and manage textual todo files. The syntax is based on TaskPaper, an excellent to-do list manager for Mac OS X./ The main elements of todo file are: Tasks, Notes, Projects, and Tags.
- Tasks: Something that needs to be done. A task is preceeded by '-'.
- Notes: Arbitrary text.
- Projects: Projects can be used to structure tasks. Projects are followed by ':' and a linebreak.
- Tags: can be used to categorize tasks, notes or projects. Tags start with '@', for example @today. Additionally, values can be assigned to tags, for example @prio(1) or @due(Monday).
- Code: Source code snippets can be written within ''' to make them more readable.
© 2010 Sebastian Benz. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.