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John O'Nolan edited this page May 19, 2013 · 1 revision

To do that, Lucy uses the Content screen (Manage Posts) -

  • When Lucy clicks on a post in the left hand column, the post is loaded into the right hand column. By default, the first post is selected.
  • If Lucy clicks on the "All Posts" dropdown, she can choose which order to display posts in, or to search for a specific post. -
  • The post list has no other functions other than to select a post to preview.
  • At the top of the post list, Lucy can click on the + button to start writing a new post. This will take her to the post editor (#5) with a blank post loaded.
  • Once Lucy has selected a post to preview, she can perform a number of actions on it in the preview pane:
  • Clicking on the Star icon in the header makes the post featured. Clicking on it again un-features the post.
  • Clicking on the Edit icon in the header takes lucy to the post editor (#5) with this post loaded.
  • Clicking on the Settings icon in the header loads the post settings menu (The same as the one in the bottom right-hand corner of the editor - #5) -

Other notes:

  • The preview pane can be styled via the theme
  • The markup/output of the preview pane cannot be edited, only CSS.
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