A .pd file parser implemented in TypeScript. Compatible with node.js and web browsers.
This is part of the WebPd project, but can also be used as a standalone library.
First install with : npm i --save @webpd/pd-parser
Then import and use in your own module. Here is an example on node.js :
// my-parser.mjs
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import parse from '@webpd/pd-parser'
// Read a pd file
const somePdFile = readFileSync('./some-pd-file.pd', { encoding: 'utf8' })
// Parse the pd file text to a javascript object you can directly work with
const result = parse(somePdFile)
// Print the result of the parsing operation
console.log('RESULT : ', result)
// Print the JS representation of the pd file
console.log('PATCH : ', result.pd)
The JS representation of a Pd File is specified in the following TypeScript file.
See http://puredata.info/docs/developer/PdFileFormat for (incomplete and outdated) Pd file format reference.