This project implements a SPA with login, signup, and Google login to access the NASA image of the day upon login.
This project uses React, TypeScript, MongoDB, Express, and Docker
The front-end is deployed on Vercel here: The back-end is deployed on Vercel here:
The SPA implements the below functionality:
- Allows user to login or signup with email or Google signin.
- Posts each signup to the MongoDB database and returns a JWT which is persisted to local storage.
- Validates each email signin with credentials in MongoDB.
- Maintains user login upon page refresh.
- Protects routes from users not logged in.
- Displays NASA image of the day upon login.
- Allows user to log out and is pushed to login page.
Front-end is located in ./frontend
Back-end is located in ./backend
Please add the below environment variables to your .env file inside of ./frontend
Please add the below environment variables to your .env file inside of ./backend
To run the project in Docker run the below command from the root folder:
docker compose up
This will start containers for the front-end, back-end, and api in Docker.