Mixed membership EM algorithms for multi-layered data from the manuscript Tensorial and bipartite block models for link prediction in layered networks and temporal networks (Tarrés-Deulofeu, Godoy-Lorite, Guimerà and Sales-Pardo)
The code for the tensorial model applied to multi-layered data with R types of interactions is:
Usage: pypy TensorialMMSBM.py traindata testdata #nodes #layers #groupsnodes #groupslayers #labels #initializations output
The code for the bipartite model applied to multi-layered data with R types of interactions is:
Usage: pypy BipartiteMMSBM.py traindata testdata #nodes #layers #groupsnodes #groupslayers #labels #initializations output
traindata - file with training data (see XXXtrainXXX.dat in the repository for an example and explanations below)
testdata - file with test data (see XXXtestXXX.dat in the repository for an example and explanations below)
#nodes - number of nodes in dataset
#layers - number of layers in dataset
#groupsnodes - number of groups of nodes K considered in the MMSBM
#groupslayers - number of groups of layers L considered in the dataset
#labels - number of possible interaction types, R
#initializations - number of maximization runs. The final output is the average over results for each run.
output - if 1, the code pirnts the model parameters for each one of the runs; if 0, it does not print any model parameters
Nodes(links) and layers should be numbered consecutively [0,...,#nodes] , [0,...,#layers]
The format of the files should be a 4 column file:
layer node1 node2 interaction_type
Columns must be separated with simple spaces. The files drugstrain0.dat and drigstest0.dat provide an example of input file.
Probability of an link being of type 0,1,2 ...R for each link in the training dataset. For each link, the output probability is the average probability over the #initializations runs.