Arke.ARI is a fork of the AsterNET.ARI project started by the AsterNET team.. It allows you to develop against Stasis ARI for Asterisk using modern .NET platforms.
PM> Install-Package Arke.ARI
- Support for ARI Events
- Support for ARI Actions
- Support for ARI Models
- Middleware Support
- AsterNET ARI Proxy
- Async/Await Support
- Supports ARI up to Asterisk 20
- Fully virtualized to support mocking for unit tests
Join in the conversation on Freenode, #asternet
Arke.ARI is built ontop of .NET Standard 2.0, so it will support all modern and supported .NET platforms.
coming soon
- Simple Bridge Example - demonstrates how to create a bridge, play MOH on it and add and remove channels from the bridge.
- Record and Playback - Demonstrates how to record and playback on a channel.
- Simple Conference Example Sample Conference application using ARI.
- ari-examples ARI Samples managed by the Asterisk ARI Team (asternet.ari examples end with .cs)
You can read about AsterNET.ARI and the original AsterNET framework on my blog: or follow me on twitter (@benjmerrills) to get involved.