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ProSpects is a LinkedIn clone built for the SOEN 390 class at Concordia University. It is a full-stack web application built with Next.js, React, and TypeScript.

Built With

🎓 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Before working on this project, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js v16+

nvm (recommended) Windows Mac/Linux
Node.js Download


  1. Clone the project
  git clone
  1. Go to the project directory
  cd SOEN-390
  1. Install dependencies
  npm install
  1. Create a .env (see 🚧 Environment Variables for more details)

  2. Start the server

  npm run dev

🚧 Environment Variables

You can add environment variables to the project by creating a .env file in the project's root directory.

Environment variables in this project are type-safe, meaning you can't assign any value to any variable. As a consequence, these variables will show up as intellisense autocomplete options and, when they are used in code, TypeScript will know what type they are and can treat them appropriately.

To enforce this, we have to keep an environment schema up to date with any variable added to the .env file. This schema can be found in /src/env/schema.mjs/. Every variable that is present in the schema MUST be present in the .env as well for the project to run.

An example .env file can be found in the project.

🛠️ Running Tests

The project currently support 3 test types:

  1. Unit Tests
  2. Integration Tests
  3. Component Tests

To run all tests, use

  npm run test

Unit Tests

Jest is used to write unit tests. These tests mainly cover the backend code (i.e., everything in src/server). These tests can be found in the tests/server directory.

When writing unit tests, you can call tRPC routes by importing the trpcRequest utility function from tests/utils.ts. This function accepts a session object so you can pass a mocked authenticated user, and it includes a mocked prisma instance in its context so you can simulate database requests.

To run unit tests, use

  npm run test:jest

Component Tests

Component tests are handled by Cypress. These tests allow you to test components in an isolated environment. The main use case is for reusable components created in the src/components directory. These tests can be found in the tests/cypress/component folder.

To run component tests, use

  npm run test:cypress:component

Alternatively, you can run component tests through the Cypress GUI with

  npm run cypress

E2E Tests

Like component tests, E2E tests are handled by Cypress. These tests are meant to simulate real-life use-cases of users interacting with the website. They can be found in the tests/cypress/e2e folder.

To run E2E tests, use

  npm run test:cypress:e2e

Alternatively, you can run E2E tests through the Cypress GUI with

  npm run cypress

Coverage Reports

It is important to consistently run coverage reports to ensure your changes are properly tested. The coverage goal for this project is 80%. You can receive a full coverage report by running

  npm run test
  npm run coverage

You will see a summary of the report directly in your terminal, but you can obtain more information by opening coverage/index.html.

📝 Pull Requests

When creating a pull request, please follow the following guidelines:

  1. Make sure your branch is up to date with the main branch.
  2. Make sure your code is properly formatted and linted.
  3. Make sure your code is properly tested and that the coverage report is at least 80%.
  4. Name your pull request with the following format:
    [fix/feat]: <issue ID> - <short description of the issue>.

📜 Available Scripts

You can run the following scripts with npm run <script>.

Script Description
build Builds the project for production.
dev Starts the development server.
start Starts the production server.
lint Runs ESLint on the project.
prettier Runs Prettier on the project.
cypress Runs Cypress in the GUI.
cypress:headless Runs Cypress in headless mode.
test:cypress:component Runs component tests.
test:cypress:e2e Runs E2E tests.
test:jest Runs unit tests.
test Runs all tests.
coverage Generates a coverage report.

📦 Deployment

Vercel is used to deploy the project. The project is automatically deployed to production on every push to the main branch. A preview deployment is created for every pull request. You can access the preview deployment by clicking on the "Details" link next to the Vercel check in the pull request.

📫 Authors


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