Deprecated please use RxCocoa with RxSwift
allows you to use blocks instead of delegates for most of UIKit without any hacks or libffi dependencies. Works perfectly on 64bit (iPhone 5s)
This pod is part of a many components covering to plug the holes missing from Foundation, UIKit, CoreLocation, GameKit, MapKit and other aspects of an iOS application's architecture. Other components are:
pod 'SHUIKitBlocks' #for iOS 7
pod 'SHUIKitBlocks', '~> 1.6.0' # for iOS 6
| Library | Tests | Version | Platform | License |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:| -----:| -----:| -----:|
| SHAlertViewBlocks | |
| SHControlBlocks |
| SHSegueBlocks |
| SHNavigationControllerBlocks |
| SHWebViewBlocks |
| SHPopoverControllerBlocks |
| SHBarButtonItemBlocks |
| SHActionSheetBlocks |
| SHGestureRecognizerBlocks |
| SHTextFieldBlocks |
| SHTextViewBlocks |
| SHTabBarControllerBlocks |
| SHTransitionBlocks |
Per Library
#import "<Library>.h"
For everything
#import "SHUIKitBlocks.h"
If you end up using SHUIKitBlocks in a project, I'd love to hear about it.
twitter: @seivanheidari
SHUIKitBlocks is © 2013 Seivan and may be freely
distributed under the MIT license.
See the