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Table life cycle (CPP API)

Seleznev Anton edited this page Oct 6, 2019 · 5 revisions

The common libfort table life cycle:

  • create a table (with default constructor, copy constructor or move constructor);
  • fill it with data (operator <<, operator[], write_ln ...);
  • modify basic table appearance;
  • convert table to string representation (to_string) and print it.

All resources allocated during table lifetime will be automatically freed in destructor.


fort::char_table table;                                                
table << fort::header                                             
    << "N" << "Driver" << "Time" << "Avg Speed" << fort::endr     
    << "1" << "Ricciardo" << "1:25.945" << "47.362" << fort::endr 
    << "2" << "Hamilton" << "1:26.373" << "35.02" << fort::endr   
    << "3" << "Verstappen" << "1:26.469" << "29.78" << fort::endr;
std::cout << table.to_string() << std::endl;                      


| N | Driver     | Time     | Avg Speed |
| 1 | Ricciardo  | 1:25.945 | 47.362    |
| 2 | Hamilton   | 1:26.373 | 35.02     |
| 3 | Verstappen | 1:26.469 | 29.78     |