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Hardware accelerated transcoder for Android that uses MediaCodec rather than FFMPeg. With it you can

  • Combine multiple files with cross-fades
  • Splice out portions of the file at the beginning middle or end
  • Change video formats (transcode) in the process
  • Do time scaling both speeding up and slowing down portions

The library is forked from the ypresto transcoder and while it follows the same module structure internally it has been substantially reworked to support multiple streams. If your needs are primarily for a transcoder and don't require the composition editing that library would probably be your best bet.



            ParcelFileDescriptor in1 =
                    new File(inputFileName1), 

            TimeLine timeline = new TimeLine(LogLevelForTests)
                .addChannel("A", in1.getFileDescriptor())
                .addChannel("B", in1.getFileDescriptor())
                    .output("A", TimeLine.Filter.OPACITY_DOWN_RAMP)
                    .seek("B", 750)
                    .output("B", TimeLine.Filter.OPACITY_UP_RAMP)
                    .output("B", TimeLine.Filter.OPACITY_DOWN_RAMP)
                    .seek("A", 750)
                    .output("A", TimeLine.Filter.OPACITY_UP_RAMP)
               MediaTranscoder.Listener listener = new MediaTranscoder.Listener() {
                  public void onTranscodeProgress(double progress) {
                      Log.d(TAG, "Progress Suppressed " + progress);
                  public void onTranscodeCompleted() {
                      Log.d(TAG, "Finished);
                  public void onTranscodeCanceled() {
                      Log.d(TAG, "Canceled");
                  public void onTranscodeFailed(Exception e) {
                      Log.d(TAG, "Exception");
                    timeline, outputFileName,


More documentation will be forthcoming. For now refer to

Quick Setup


Available from

repositories {
  maven {
    name "jitpack"
    url ""
dependencies {
  compile 'com.github.selsamman:android-transcoder:0.3.58'

See the releases for the latest release


This library is still rough around the edges so please be aware that

  • It may not process all formats of video
  • It has limited output formats at present
  • Incorrect parameters (especially time values) can raise exceptions
  • It is possible that some breaking changes in the API may occur before we reach a 1.0
  • Contributors are very welcome!


To transcode you need a timeline which defines what tracks will appear in the final composition and where they will appear. The TimeLine consists of a sequential set of segments that are concatenated together without gaps to define the time sequence of the composition.

You create a timeline by instantiating a new TimeLine object and specifying the level of detail you want in the logs:

TimeLine (int logLevel);

logLevel is an int value:

  • 6 - Log only errors
  • 5 - log errors and warnings (suitable for production)
  • 4 - also log information level items such as the setup of each segment
  • 3 - log debug information which can be quite chatty
  • 4 - maximum logging down the frame and buffer level

The TimeLine object returned can be used to

  • attach assets using the addChannel method
  • create time segments using the createSegment method


Any video assets used in the transcoding must first be added using the addChannel method of the TimeLine.

TimeLine addChannel(String channelName, Fileescriptor fileDescriptor);
TimeLine addChannel(String channelName, FileDescriptor, ChannelType channelType);
  • channelName is a string used to refer to the channel in subsequent segments
  • fileDescriptor is the file descriptor of the input track. You can specify the same fileDescriptor more than once to create overlapping sequences such as for a cross-fade.
  • channelType is an enum which values of public enum VIDEO, AUDIO, AUDIO_VIDEO, IMAGE (Image is not yet supported). It defaults AUDIO_VIDEO if no channelType is specified. You can use VIDEO to suppress the audio of a video file and AUDIO to suppress the video.

addChannel returns a TimeLine object so you can chain additional channels or create a segment.


Multiple segments be attached to the TimeLine to define the individual sequential portions of the composition. You create a segment by calling createSegment.

    Segment createSegment();

A Segment object is returned and you can then define the characteristics of the semgnet by calling these Segment methods:

  • duration defines the length of the segment in milliseconds
  • output defines which channels are to be output
  • seek causes portions of the input track to be skipped

Since each of these methods returns a Segment object you can chain them together and when you are finished chain the timeline method to get back to a TimeLine

        .output("B", TimeLine.Filter.OPACITY_DOWN_RAMP)
        .seek("A", 750)
        .output("A", TimeLine.Filter.OPACITY_UP_RAMP)


The duration method of the Segment defines the duration of the segment.

    Segment duration(long timeInMilliseconds)

Duration is optional and if omitted the duration will be the remaining portion of the track. It is generally OK if the duration is larger than the remaining time in the track, however the segment will end when any of the tracks reach the end so when doing complex operations like combining tracks for cross-fades it is important for the duration to be correct.


The seek method of the Segment defines an input track that you want to skip some part of and the amount you want to skip

    Segment seek(String channelName, long amountToSeek);
  • channelName is the name of a channel defined using addChannel
  • amountToSeek is the number of milliseconds to skip over

Note that at present it is critical that you not seek past the end of the track and then have subsequent segments as there are important presentation time calculations that depend on decoding at least part of each track in a segment.


Output defines which channels are to be output as part of this segment as well as any special filtering that should occur on them

    Segment output(String channelName);
    Segment output(String channelName, Filter filter);
  • channelName is the name of a channel defined using addChannel
  • filter is the special handling for the track during this segment and may be one of these values:
    • OPACITY_UP_RAMP increase opacity from transparent to non-opaque over the course of the segment
    • OPACITY_DOWN_RAMP decrease opacity from non-opaque down to transparent over the course of the segment


The timeScale Segment method applies to the most recently added channel in the segment added with output and specifies the amount of the input track to be consumed.

    Segment timeScale(long inputDuration);

The difference between the duration of the segment as specified by duration and the duration of the track to be consumed during the course of processing the segment consitutes times scaling. If the timeScale duration is larger the output will appear in fast motion and if it is smaller it will appear in slow motion.


Once you have built up your TimeLine you transcode it using the MediaTranscoder class. It has a static getInstance method to get an instance. You then call the transcodeVideo method to do the transcoding

Future<Void> transcodeVideo(final TimeLine timeLine, 
   final String outPath, 
   final MediaFormatStrategy outFormatStrategy, 
   final Listener listener);
  • timeLine is the time line that defines the composition
  • outPath is the path of the output file to be created
  • outFormatStrategy defines the output format
  • lister is a callback for monitoring progress

The transcode method returns a Future so you need to invoke the get() method if you want to wait for the transcode to complete.

The output formats are best derived from MediaFormatStrategyPresets which include static methods to create these strategies:

  • MediaFormatStrategy createAndroid720pStrategy();
    create 720P videos
  • MediaFormatStrategy createAndroid16x9Strategy720P(int audioBitrate, int audioChannels);
    create 720P video and specify audio parameters
  • MediaFormatStrategy createAndroid16x9Strategy1080P(int audioBitrate, int audioChannels);
    create 720P video and specify audio parameters

Note that you can specify ndroid16By9FormatStrategy.AUDIO_BITRATE_AS_IS and Android16By9FormatStrategy.AUDIO_CHANNELS_AS_IS if you don't want to keep the audio format unchanged.

The listener supports methods for monitoring progress, cancel (not implemented at present) and completion)

 public interface Listener {
        void onTranscodeProgress(double progress);
        void onTranscodeCompleted();
        void onTranscodeCanceled();
        void onTranscodeFailed(Exception exception);


The example/src/androidTest/java/net.ypresto.androidtranscoder/tests/SingleFileTranscoderTest is a single file with lots of test cases in it. To run it:

  • Go to run/debug configurations in Android Studio
  • Add and add an Instrumented Test
  • Set the Module: to the example folder
  • Set the Test: to Class
  • set the Class: to net.ypresto.androidtranscoder.tests.SingleFileTranscoderTest

You can now run this on the device of your choice. Best to test on an actual device.

Would appreciate forking and creating a failing test if any transcoding issues are found. You can use /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/ as the directory of the file description to run a test that transcodes a file in your gallery. You can add new files in androidTest/res/Raw and then copy them using this pattern that is in the @BeforeClass retrieveVideo section of the test file

        try {
            InputStream in = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext().getResources().openRawResource(
            OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(inputFileName1);
            copyFile(in, out);
        } catch(IOException e) {
            assertEquals("Exception on file copy", "none", e + Log.getStackTraceString(e));


Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Sam Elsamman Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Yuya Tanaka

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

References for Android Low-Level Media APIs


Android MediaCodec Transcoder / Composer







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