Are you too busy to visit Diagon Alley to purchase or rent schooling supplies for Hogwarts? This is the app for you. Diagon Alley lets you rent and purchase books, wands, cauldrons and brooms.
The app is built on Kotlin and follows a MVVM architecture. The android activities function as views, the viewmodel serves the business logic and holds properties in the form of LiveData which the activity observes.
The viewmodel works with the repository which abstracts out the data source from the viewmodel. The two data sources that we have in the app are the Diagon Alley API (faked using a JSON file) and a SQLite database.
Viewmodels in the app extend the android architecture components ViewModel classes. The caching to provide offline functionality wa achieved using a SQLite database which was built using the Room persistence library from Google.
Dependency Injection was achieved using Koin.
Data is being served as a JSON file that I built using data from various harry potter fan sites. Thanks to for all the data and pictures.
- The viewmodel and the repository have been unit tested.
- Instrumentation testing was used to test the views (activities).The UI tests run best on an emulator. Due to a dependency on one of the UI testing library, the tests need to be run on a stock android emulator with no Google Play services or Google APIs
- Android architecture components (ViewModel, LiveData and Room)
- RxJava and RxAndroid ( Reactive programming and multi threading)
- Koin (Dependency Injection)
- Glide (Image loading, rendering and caching)
- Timber (Logging)
- GSON (JSON parsing)
- Test Butler
- Mockito (Unit testing)
- Espresso (Automation/UI testing)
P.S: Screenshots can be found in the screenshots folder.