SDO-Check is a web-tool that enables the fast and simple verification of annotations. It is the open-source version of the SDO-Check tool of ( This tool allows the input of a code-snippet or a web-page URL and shows the verification result in form of an interactive tree-visualization with details about all irregularities found. The verification is based on the latest version of the official vocabulary, common SEO practices, and recommendations from semantic web experts.
To download and run this project you need Git and NodeJS.
In your terminal:
git clone
cd sdo-check
npm install --only=prod
ornpm install
if you want to install dev-dependencies too (to edit and build bundles, to run tests)npm start
and your standard browser should open showing sdo-check. If you have 'security' issues try another browser or make a localhost where you serve the file sdoCheck.html
You can read/download the documentation of this repository at
In order to run tests you must have the dev-dependencies installed.
Tests are done with jest and can be found in the directory /tests
. You can run the test-suite with npm test
You can find more general informations about the tool at
The public repository for this tool is at
Any bugs/suggestion can be posted on the issues page at