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introduce intermediate attribute KeywordAttr and add token information
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aryx committed Feb 3, 2020
1 parent 22eea45 commit b15e09d
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Showing 19 changed files with 155 additions and 161 deletions.
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions h_program-lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -544,6 +544,13 @@ and type_ =
(* a.k.a decorators, annotations *)
and attribute =
| KeywordAttr of keyword_attribute wrap
(* for general @annotations *)
| NamedAttr of ident * any list

| OtherAttribute of other_attribute_operator * any list

and keyword_attribute =
| Static | Volatile | Extern
(* for class fields *)
| Public | Private | Protected
Expand All @@ -560,10 +567,6 @@ and attribute =
| Getter | Setter
(* for parameters *)
| Variadic
(* for general @annotations *)
| NamedAttr of ident * any list

| OtherAttribute of other_attribute_operator * any list

and other_attribute_operator =
(* Java *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -891,6 +894,8 @@ let basic_field id typeopt =
let entity = basic_entity id [] in
FieldVar (entity, { vinit = None; vtype = typeopt})

let attr kwd tok =
KeywordAttr (kwd, tok)

let expr_to_arg e =
Arg e
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27 changes: 4 additions & 23 deletions lang_GENERIC/parsing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -288,29 +288,9 @@ and map_other_type_operator =
| OT_Shape -> OT_Shape
| OT_Variadic -> OT_Variadic

and map_attribute =
| Recursive -> Recursive
| MutuallyRecursive -> MutuallyRecursive
| Static -> Static
| Volatile -> Volatile
| Extern -> Extern
| Public -> Public
| Private -> Private
| Protected -> Protected
| Abstract -> Abstract
| Final -> Final
| Var -> Var
| Let -> Let
| Const -> Const
| Mutable -> Mutable
| Generator -> Generator
| Async -> Async
| Ctor -> Ctor
| Dtor -> Dtor
| Getter -> Getter
| Setter -> Setter
| Variadic -> Variadic
and map_attribute = function
| KeywordAttr v1 -> let v1 = map_wrap map_keyword_attribute v1 in
KeywordAttr v1
| NamedAttr ((v1, v2)) ->
let v1 = map_ident v1
and v2 = map_of_list map_any v2
Expand All @@ -320,6 +300,7 @@ and map_attribute =
and v2 = map_of_list map_any v2
in OtherAttribute ((v1, v2))

and map_keyword_attribute x = x
and map_other_attribute_operator x = x

and map_stmt x =
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion lang_GENERIC/parsing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ and vof_other_type_operator =
| OT_EnumName -> Ocaml.VSum (("OT_EnumName", []))
| OT_Shape -> Ocaml.VSum (("OT_Shape", []))
| OT_Variadic -> Ocaml.VSum (("OT_Variadic", []))
and vof_attribute =
and vof_keyword_attribute =
| Static -> Ocaml.VSum (("Static", []))
| Volatile -> Ocaml.VSum (("Volatile", []))
Expand All @@ -375,6 +375,10 @@ and vof_attribute =
| Getter -> Ocaml.VSum (("Getter", []))
| Setter -> Ocaml.VSum (("Setter", []))
| Variadic -> Ocaml.VSum (("Variadic", []))

and vof_attribute = function
| KeywordAttr x -> let v1 = vof_wrap vof_keyword_attribute x in
Ocaml.VSum (("KeywordAttr", [v1]))
| NamedAttr ((v1, v2)) ->
let v1 = vof_ident v1
and v2 = Ocaml.vof_list vof_any v2
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22 changes: 2 additions & 20 deletions lang_GENERIC/parsing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -271,32 +271,14 @@ and v_type_parameter_constraint =
and v_attribute x =
let k x =
match x with
| Recursive | MutuallyRecursive -> ()
| Static -> ()
| Volatile -> ()
| Extern -> ()
| Public -> ()
| Private -> ()
| Protected -> ()
| Abstract -> ()
| Final -> ()
| Var -> ()
| Let -> ()
| Const -> ()
| Mutable -> ()
| Generator -> ()
| Async -> ()
| Ctor -> ()
| Dtor -> ()
| Getter -> ()
| Setter -> ()
| Variadic -> ()
| KeywordAttr v1 -> let v1 = v_wrap v_keyword_attribute v1 in ()
| NamedAttr ((v1, v2)) -> let v1 = v_ident v1 and v2 = v_list v_any v2 in ()
| OtherAttribute ((v1, v2)) ->
let v1 = v_other_attribute_operator v1 and v2 = v_list v_any v2 in ()
vin.kattr (k, all_functions) x

and v_keyword_attribute _ = ()
and v_other_attribute_operator _ = ()

and v_stmts xs =
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions lang_c/analyze/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let either f g x =

let string = id

let fake_info () = Parse_info.fake_info "FAKE"
let fake s = Parse_info.fake_info s

let opt_to_ident opt =
match opt with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ and expr =
| Sequence ((v1, v2)) -> let v1 = expr v1 and v2 = expr v2 in
G.Seq [v1;v2]
| SizeOf v1 -> let v1 = either expr type_ v1 in
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.Sizeof, fake_info()),
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.Sizeof, fake "sizeof"),
(match v1 with
| Left e -> [G.Arg e]
| Right t -> [G.ArgType t]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ and expr =
in G.Record v1
| GccConstructor ((v1, v2)) -> let v1 = type_ v1 and v2 = expr v2 in
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.New, fake_info ()),
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.New, fake "new"),
(G.ArgType v1)::([v2] |> G.expr_to_arg))

and argument v =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ and
and initialiser v = expr v

and storage = function
| Extern -> [G.Extern]
| Static -> [G.Static]
| Extern -> [G.attr G.Extern (fake "extern")]
| Static -> [G.attr G.Static (fake "static")]
| DefaultStorage -> []

let func_def {
Expand All @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ let func_def {
let v1 = name f_name in
let (ret, params) = function_type f_type in
let v3 = list stmt f_body in
let v4 = if f_static then [G.Static] else [] in
let v4 = if f_static then [G.attr G.Static (fake "static")] else [] in
let entity = G.basic_entity v1 v4 in
entity, G.FuncDef { G.
fparams = params |> (fun x -> G.ParamClassic x);
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions lang_go/analyze/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ let name_of_qualified_ident = function
| Left id -> id, G.empty_name_info
| Right (xs, id) -> id, { G.name_qualifier = Some xs; name_typeargs = None }

let fake_info () = Parse_info.fake_info "FAKE"
let fake_name s = (s, fake_info ()), G.empty_name_info
let fake s = Parse_info.fake_info s
let fake_name s = (s, fake s), G.empty_name_info

let ii_of_any = Lib_parsing_go.ii_of_any

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ let rec type_ =
| TStruct v1 -> let v1 = list struct_field v1 in
(* could also use StructName *)
let s = gensym () in
let ent = G.basic_entity (s, fake_info ()) [] in
let ent = G.basic_entity (s, fake s) [] in
let def = G.TypeDef { G.tbody = G.AndType v1 } in
Common.push (ent, def) anon_types;
G.TyApply (fake_name s, [])
| TInterface v1 -> let v1 = list interface_field v1 in
let s = gensym () in
let ent = G.basic_entity (s, fake_info ()) [] in
let ent = G.basic_entity (s, fake s) [] in
let def = G.ClassDef { G.ckind = G.Interface;
cextends = []; cimplements = [];
cbody = v1; } in
Expand All @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ and parameter { pname = pname; ptype = ptype; pdots = pdots } =
let arg3 = option tok pdots in
{ G.pname = arg1; ptype = Some arg2;
pdefault = None;
pattrs = (match arg3 with None -> [] | Some _ -> [G.Variadic]);
pattrs = (match arg3 with None -> [] | Some tok -> [G.attr G.Variadic tok]);
pinfo = G.empty_id_info ()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ and expr =
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.ArithOp v2, tok), [v1;v3] |> G.expr_to_arg)
| CompositeLit ((v1, v2)) ->
let v1 = type_ v1 and v2 = list init v2 in
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.New, fake_info ()),
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.New, fake "new"),
(G.ArgType v1)::(v2 |> G.expr_to_arg))
| Slice ((v1, v2)) ->
let e = expr v1 in
Expand All @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ and expr =
G.SliceAccess (e, v1, v2, v3)
| TypeAssert ((v1, v2)) -> let v1 = expr v1 and v2 = type_ v2 in
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.Instanceof, fake_info()),
G.Call (G.IdSpecial (G.Instanceof, fake "instanceof"),
[G.Arg v1; G.ArgType v2])
| EllipsisTODO v1 -> let v1 = tok v1 in
G.Ellipsis v1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ and stmt =
(match opt with
| None ->
let pattern = G.PatUnderscore (fake_info ()) in
let pattern = G.PatUnderscore (fake "_") in
G.For (G.ForEach (pattern, v3), v4)
| Some (xs, _tokEqOrColonEqTODO) ->
let pattern = G.PatTuple (xs |> G.expr_to_pattern) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,14 +474,14 @@ and decl =
and v2 = option type_ v2
and v3 = option constant_expr v3
let ent = G.basic_entity v1 [G.Const] in
let ent = G.basic_entity v1 [G.attr G.Const (fake "const")] in
G.DefStmt (ent, G.VarDef { G.vinit = v3; vtype = v2 })
| DVar ((v1, v2, v3)) ->
let v1 = ident v1
and v2 = option type_ v2
and v3 = option expr v3
let ent = G.basic_entity v1 [G.Var] in
let ent = G.basic_entity v1 [G.attr G.Var (fake "var")] in
G.DefStmt (ent, G.VarDef { G.vinit = v3; vtype = v2 })
| DTypeAlias ((v1, v2, v3)) ->
let v1 = ident v1 and _v2 = tok v2 and v3 = type_ v3 in
Expand Down
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions lang_java/analyze/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,25 +109,25 @@ let type_parameter =
let v1 = ident v1 and v2 = list ref_type v2 in
v1, (v2 |> (fun t -> G.Extends t))

let rec modifier =
| Variadic -> G.Variadic
| Public -> G.Public
| Protected -> G.Protected
| Private -> G.Private
| Abstract -> G.Abstract
| Static -> G.Static
| Final -> G.Final
let rec modifier (x, tok) =
match x with
| Variadic -> G.attr G.Variadic tok
| Public -> G.attr G.Public tok
| Protected -> G.attr G.Protected tok
| Private -> G.attr G.Private tok
| Abstract -> G.attr G.Abstract tok
| Static -> G.attr G.Static tok
| Final -> G.attr G.Final tok
| StrictFP -> G.OtherAttribute (G.OA_StrictFP, [])
| Transient -> G.OtherAttribute (G.OA_Transient, [])
| Volatile -> G.Volatile
| Volatile -> G.attr G.Volatile tok
| Synchronized -> G.OtherAttribute (G.OA_Synchronized, [])
| Native -> G.OtherAttribute (G.OA_Native, [])
| Annotation _v1 ->
(* let _v1TODO = annotation v1 in *)
G.OtherAttribute (G.OA_AnnotJavaOther, [])

and modifiers v = list (wrap modifier) v |> fst
and modifiers v = list modifier v

and annotation (v1, v2) =
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lang_js/analyze/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,21 +235,21 @@ and stmt =

and var = {
v_name: name;
v_kind: var_kind;
v_kind: var_kind wrap;
v_init: expr;
v_resolved: resolved_name ref;
and var_kind = Var | Let | Const

and fun_ = {
f_props: fun_prop list;
f_props: fun_prop wrap list;
f_params: parameter list;
f_body: stmt;
and parameter = {
p_name: name;
p_default: expr option;
p_dots: bool;
p_dots: tok option;
(* less: could transpile *)
and fun_prop =
Expand All @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ and class_ = {

and property =
(* expr is a Fun for methods *)
| Field of property_name * property_prop list * expr
| Field of property_name * property_prop wrap list * expr
(* less: can unsugar? *)
| FieldSpread of expr

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