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Wednesday Meeting, 2024 08 21

reiniscirpons edited this page Sep 4, 2024 · 1 revision

Wednesday Meeting, 2024-08-21

Lecture Theatre D


  • Reinis Cirpons
  • Joe Edwards
  • James Mitchell
  • Finn Smith
  • River Stambaugh
  • Tianrun Yang
  • Michael Young


Participant Activity
Reinis Cirpons Working on Sims for libsemigroups v3.
Joe Edwards Reviewing James's pull requests, continuing with words for v3.
James Mitchell Working on libsemigroups v3, talking to people.
Finn Smith Doing pybind11 stuff, leaving early.
Tianrun Yang Adding some documentation to Mitsch order.
Michael Young Preparing a talk on Digraphs for GAP days.

The meeting began at about 14:05 and ended at about 17:00. Some attendees joined virtually from the Gather town.

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