##Microfilm ###See what happened to you a long time ago... #####Things you wanted to forget but facebook won't let you.
Go to empty-autumn-8340.herokuapp.com, and follow the instructions.
Ever wanted to see what was important 3 years ago? To see the things fate has long since woven…. Well, I hadn't, but you have to admit, it's kinda cool. Once you've logged in, you'll be able to enter a date (in /month/day/full year) after the url, and you'll be able to see what life was like way back 17 months ago.
PS: Try to break the app all you want, but please be nice; I haven't been able to make this as robust as possible.
Edit: This is done. Unfortunately, facebook won't allow access to records of news feeds before 5 days ago. The app is fully working--you can see up to 5 days ago by following the directions. I'm sorry, I was really hoping for more as well :(, but ah well. Next time.
Licensed under the simplified BSD license.