#The Developer Marketing Guide
The Developer Marketing Guide is a Heavybit Community Project. Our goal is to collect the best resources for developer marketing in one place, to encourage a conversation about what works, what doesn't, and why, and to openly share that knowledge with the developer company community.
Do you have something to add? We encourage you to share your knowledge by submitting a pull request, opening an issue, or emailing your edits and suggestions to us directly at content@heavybit.com. Add links to great talks or blog posts, suggest different approaches and new tools, offer case studies and stories of your wins (and losses!). If it will make us better developer marketers, we want to hear about it.
##Running Locally
This site is built with Jekyll. Install Jekyll, clone the gh-pages
branch and build the site using bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl
This will allow you to view your changes locally at localhost:4000 before submitting a pull-request.
##About and License
The Developer Marketing Guide is built on Jekyll and GitHub Pages, based on the Grayscale bootstrap theme
Read the site license here.