Playground for Keycloak. This playground use Keycloak version 25.0.6.
Keycloak only support PBKDF2 as hashing password algorithm. But, hashing password algorithm has been stored in user data use MD5. To make user can log in to Keycloak with their credential although hashing password change, we need to make a MD5 hashing password algorithm provider and put it to Keycloak. Luckily, I find a repository named keycloak-md5 by mathsalmi to support this case. Here are the steps I do:
- Requirements: You have JDK 11 and Maven in your local environment.
- Clone keycloak-md5 by mathsalmi repository.
- Go to repository and run
mvn package
. This will generate a JAR package in./target/keycloak-md5.jar
. - Copy that jar and put it in
directory. - Make sure
file mount theproviders
directory. - Run
docker compose up -d
. - Create realm in Keycloak e.g (
) and create a confidential client with OpenID Connect Protocol e.gmy-client
and set it with Service Account Roles and role of Service Account Roles namedrealm-admin
. - I create a user with Keycloak Admin REST API and I'm using ristekusdi/kisara-php because it wraps Keycloak Admin REST API and I'm using PHP programming language.
Here's the sneak peek of my code.
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use RistekUSDI\Kisara\User as KisaraUser;
// First option
$config = [
'admin_url' => 'http://localhost:8180',
'base_url' => 'http://localhost:8180',
'realm' => 'iam-sandbox',
'client_id' => 'my-client',
'client_secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
$data = [
'firstName' => 'Senku',
'lastName' => 'Ishigami',
'email' => 'senku@dr.stone',
'username' => 'senku',
'enabled' => true,
'credentials' => [
'algorithm' => 'MD5',
'type' => 'password',
'hashedSaltedValue' => md5('12345678'),
'hashIterations' => 0,
// You may set temporary if you want user to reset their password
'temporary' => true,
$result = (new KisaraUser($config))->store($data);
- Test login user in http://localhost:8180/realms/iam-sandbox/account/ and you will be update the user password after log in.
Here's before and after user change their password. Please see the algorithm password hash.
Example: The organization has Radius server that contains user accounts. These user accounts doesn't integrate with Keycloak because the organization don't want to. When user change their password in their Keycloak user account, the organization wants that password also change in their Radius user account.
User change password => Update password in Keycloak user account + (Behind the scene) update password in Radius user account with the same password.
To facilitate this case, we will use one of Service Provider that provided by Keycloak: RequiredActionProvider.
- You already install Java Development Kit (JDK) that matched with Keycloak. In this case I use Keycloak version 25.0.6, so the JDK version is 21 LTS.
- You already install Maven as a scaffolding project and build the plugin.
Brief Steps
- Run maven command below to create a project.
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=stream.senku -DartifactId=senku-update-password -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
- Add
as a properties topom.xml
- Add Keycloak dependencies into
<!-- Keycloak -->
directory because we don't need it. -
Create Provider class that implement custom password implementation.
directory insidesrc/main
directory and createorg.keycloak.authentication.RequiredActionFactory
inside it.
cd senku-update-password/src/main
mkdir -p resources/META-INF/services
cd resources/META-INF/services
touch org.keycloak.authentication.RequiredActionFactory