Life counter application for the Magic: The Gathering (MTG).
Now on release at Google Play since 2020-05-23.
If you want to install directly, please download .apk or .aab file from GitHub Releases.
MTGCounter is the life counter Android application for the Magic: The Gathering (MTG).
This life counter application has following features.
- Count many type (life, poison, experience, energy, mana, storm, draw).
- Trailing life history.
- Save and view game history.
- Support commander.
- Support old Android (since Android 4.0.3 API level 15).
- Open Source (
- No advertisement.
If you find any bugs or have suggestion, please tell me by e-mail ( or GitHub issues (
- Author: SENOO, Ken
- License: CC0
I developed this application by following environment.
- Target: Android 4.0.3+ (API Level 15+)
- Language: Java SE 6+
- IDE: Android Studio 3.5.3
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04
If you want to build this application, after run git clone
or download this repository, then open it by Android Studio.
After launch MTGCounter, following home activity is shown.
Fill in [Title] text field.
[Title] is game title. This text is used by history description. Multiple line is allowed. So you can use this filed as memo (Side in/out, opponent public hand, your deck, opponent deck etc.).
After fill in title, you can count you and your opponent life by downwards buttons.
Select [Player] ID and counter [Type] in radio buttons. Then you can increment/decrement bottom of [-]/[+] buttons.
Current life is shown in middle of application. This area is editable. So you can update directly.
After fix life changes, select [COMMIT] button. Information of turn is committed and shown top list. In this list, value is editable except for [Turn/Time].
Bottom of 2 lines ([Mana], [Other]) are only counter. These entry is not saved in history.
MTGCounter has menu options in home activity.
- [About]: Application information.
- [New Game]: Start new game.
- [Save]: Save current game to history.
- [History]: View old saved game history.
- [Commander Life]: Set all players life to 40 for commander.
In [History] menu, all saved history are shown with ID, created date, title.
When select list item, saved game history is shown.
When long select list item, [Delete] menu is shown.
If you want to delete all history, select bottom of [DELETE ALL] button.
When select an item in [History] menu, then game History is shown.
Game history is read only. You cannot modify saved history data.