Nexus — platform for storing build artifacts
Building image Nexus3 based on eclipse-temurin:17-jre
, with
fix to issue requiring permissions on mount directories.
This deployment is based on kustomize. It features logging to disk, all logs are redirected to the console.
If you need to make any changes to the basic configuration, then you must to create a project with the configuration.
- Create a project with a configuration and create an overlay there referring to this base
- If necessary, you can apply a patch to change:
- Resource request and limit
- Storage class
- Storage size
- You can also make changes to the configuration files.
At the current moment, the deployment of this database is maximally configured to work with the current resource values.
Create a secret with an encryption key
export NAMESPACE=nexus
cat << EOF >> secret.json
"active": "secret-key",
"keys": [
"id": "secret-key",
"key": "you-secret-key"
kubectl create secret -n $NAMESPACE generic nexus-secret-key --from-file secret.json
Deploy Nexus using the example base
kubectl create -n $NAMESPACE -k deploy/