What's Changed
- Create msbuild.yml by @bertysentry in #1
- Feature/swsy-4600 windows event monitor fails to execute by @bertysentry in #2
EventLogReader-2.0.00.zip - Delete SEN_EventLogReader.vcxproj.filters by @bertysentry in #3
- Cleaned-up VCXPROJ by @bertysentry in #4
- Proper handling of file version by @bertysentry in #5
- Fixed artifact upload in msbuild.yml by @bertysentry in #6
- Simplified resource and made it more robust for executable file properties by @bertysentry in #7
- Add dependabot by @bertysentry in #8
New Contributors
- @bertysentry made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: 1.4.00...v2.0.00