Releases: sera619/GuildAssist-WorldOfWarcraft-AddOn
Releases · sera619/GuildAssist-WorldOfWarcraft-AddOn
v4.1.9 (Release Update)
- fix not saving minimap position between gamesessions
- fix not sending gratulation message
- Add toggle to disable/enable show welcome message at start
- add toggle to enable/disable dungeontracker
- Add profile management to save settings for character/account
- Create a calender plugin template frame
- add Rightclick + Shift / LeftClick + Shift for enable/disable discord automatic / gratulation automatic to minimapbutton
- create changlog window
- update alignment from some text
- Fix the "/ga tracker" chatcommand
v4.1.6 (Release Update)
Add "Ace3" to the project
Create New UI Design
Add Options for Addon to the Interface-Option tab from blizzard
Create Welcome Screen
Create Help Screen
Add new slashcommands
Refactoring Core, config
Add external String libary
Add new Minimap Button to open/hide options/help
Add new Previews
Full Changelog: v3.4.4...v4.1.6
v3.4.4 (Hotfix Update)
- add escape sequences to dicords links for "/"
- remove not needed output on addon load
- fix output bug with discord links that would not be sended
- fix not colored mythic dungeon names on dungeon tracker frame at first start
- add missing show window on start save variable
- fix closing tracker window if menu window close
- add soundeffects to changes and clicks
- adjust minimap button size
- update version
v3.4.2 (Release Version)
- add instance id tracker for mythic +0 Dungeons
- add gui frame for instance tracker
- add basic mythic+ routes frame(not enabled yet)
- create dungeon name list in ger and eng
- create UpdateHandler for tracker
- add new Frame for mythic + Routes
- add basic constructor for fontstrings & buttons
- add scrollframe and scrollframe behaivour
Core Update
- add 'how to' to helpframe
- change color from helpframe title
- Update version
- refactoring code
- add config.lua
- rename close-help button
GuildAssist 3.0 release
Refactoring the whole Project and change the complete Userinterface