Recommended node version: 18
cp apps/backend/.env.example apps/backend/.env
In addition fill out the FILE_STORAGE related secrets in the .env file. In case it's a new bucket you also need to setup CORS rules in Cloudflare. Replace AllowedOrigins
with your domain:
"AllowedOrigins": [""],
"AllowedMethods": ["GET", "PUT", "HEAD"],
"AllowedHeaders": ["*"],
"ExposeHeaders": [],
"MaxAgeSeconds": 3000
You can create a new OPAQUE_SERVER_SETUP value, but make sure to update it in your .env
and .e2e-tests.env
docker-compose up # to start the postgres instance
# open another tab
yarn workspace backend prisma migrate dev
yarn workspace backend dev
Preview the database:
yarn prisma studio
To reset the database:
yarn prisma migrate reset
As an alternativ you can start the backend without a DB connection a mocked GraphQL setup:
yarn workspace backend dev:mock
cd apps/app
yarn dev
We are using the Expo dev client you need to download and install a dev build first which can be found in
npm install -g eas-cli
cd apps/app
yarn dev
# in the console press `i` for iOS or `a` for Android or use the Expo Web-interface
Creating a dev build for iOS Simulator
cd apps/app
eas build --profile development-simulator --platform ios
Creating a dev build for iOS
cd apps/app
eas build --profile development --platform ios
Creating a preview build for internal distribution (staging environment)
cd apps/app
eas build --profile preview-staging --platform ios
Creating a preview build for internal distribution (production environment)
cd apps/app
eas build --profile preview-production --platform ios
Creating a build for the App store (production environment)
cd apps/app
eas build --profile production --platform ios
Build new graphql types
yarn build:graphql-types
cd apps/app
yarn dev:electron-web # runs the web app in electron mode
# in another tab run
cd apps/desktop-app
yarn dev # runs the electron app
cd apps/desktop-app
yarn build # builds the electron app for local env
# yarn build:staging # builds the electron app for mac
# yarn build:production # builds the electron app for mac
yarn make
cd packages/editor
yarn style:editor --watch
# in another tab run
yarn dev
# visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser
For backend
docker-compose up # to start the postgres instance
# in another tab
yarn workspace backend test
To reset the test DB migrations run
cd apps/backend
DATABASE_URL=postgres://prisma:prisma@localhost:5432/serenity_test yarn prisma migrate reset
For any package
cd packages/common
yarn test
yarn workspace @serenity-tools/common test
To develop the tests run
docker-compose up
## in another tab run
yarn workspace backend dev:e2e
## in another tab run
yarn workspace serenity dev:e2e
## in another tab run
yarn workspace backend test:e2e
The tests will use a separate database for the tests and a separate expo webpack server on http://localhost:19006/
The tests on the CI run with production build. The commands are available in the Github Actions file.
When writing e2e tests don't rely on generated CSS classes since they might be different on the production build which is used for running the e2e tests on the CI servers.
You can see the E2E test DB content using Prisma Studio by running
yarn workspace backend prisma:e2etest:studio
Backend deployment including running migrations is done via Github Actions. Frontend deployment is setup in Netlify.
Update app name inside fly.production.toml
fly postgres create
# store the connection string
flyctl secrets set DATABASE_URL=<db_connection_url>/serenity
# set all other secrets usually defined in the .env file
flyctl secrets set FILE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY_ID={value} -a {app_name}
flyctl secrets set FILE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID={value} -a {app_name}
flyctl secrets set FILE_STORAGE_BUCKET={value} -a {app_name}
flyctl secrets set FILE_STORAGE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={value} -a {app_name}
flyctl secrets set FROM_EMAIL={value} -a {app_name}
flyctl secrets set OPAQUE_SERVER_SETUP={value} -a {app_name}
flyctl secrets set POSTMARK_API_KEY={value} -a {app_name}
Update DATABASE_URL in Github secrets with <db_connection_url>/serenity
cd apps/backend
flyctl postgres connect --app serenity-api-staging-db
# in the psql console run
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'serenity';
drop database serenity;
- Folder and file names use camelCase.
- Folders start with a lower case character.
- TypeScript, Json and other files start with a lower case character.
- React components are the only exception as they start with an upper case character.
Copyright 2022–2023 Naisho GmbH
Licensed under the AGPLv3: