Builds static site with dhtml-tree-like navigation out of the given direcorties & html templates
Language(s): Perl IDE(s): vim, perl -d Platform: any (tested on Windows, Linux, Mac)
(c) Sergey Vinogradov, 2008-2012. You may use it and redistribute as you wish, but please, leave a note about the author. Thanks.
SimpleSiteBuilder converts a bunch of .html-s stored in directory tree into a publishable site with easy navigation...
- one or many dirs under 'data' dir, each of them called 'Modules'
- within them two dirs: src and dest
- 'src' is a set of directories with files (html, flv, images) to be processed
- 'dest' is the result of processing
- per-module setting are stored in 'data/XXX/src/head.txt'
- within them two dirs: src and dest
- SimpleSiteBuilder itself - and bunch of perl modules, located in '_dev' dir
- HTML templates in '_dev/SimpleConverter/lib/SRGB/XSPT' (part of SimpleSiteBuilder, but you may modify them easily) Output:
- 'data/XXX/dest' will contain set of HTML pages with single navigation and style
- '' for more info
- and this - ./_dev/SimpleConverter/readme.txt for more detailed tech info.
- and this - ./data/example_site/src/head.txt for per-module settings