Andora is ansible roles to deploy Ruby on Rails applications with docker containers in a capistrano style
Project name is [an]sible, [do]cker and [ra]ils
- Setup a host with dependencies and structure of directories
- Deploy a release
- Export database data
- Rollback to the previous release
- Docker in your deployer machine
Install andora
$ cd project
$ git clone ansible
Run an ansible docker container
$ cd ansible
$ docker run -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v "$PWD":/mnt/src --rm -it weazar/ansible /bin/bash
Set hosts in inventory.ini
Set variables in group_vars/webservers
- Set your app name
- Set git repository path
Set environment variables in playbooks/roles/deploy/templates/env.j2
- RAILS_ENV=production
- PORT=3000
- MYSQL_USER=app_name))
- MYSQL_DATABASE=app_name_production
- DEFAULT_URL_OPTIONS='//domain_name'
- SECRET_KEY_BASE=secret_key # For generate secret key use the command
rake secret
Setup a host
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/setup.yml
Deploy release
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy.yml
Export database data
- Put your dump.sql file to
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/export_data.yml
Rollback to the previous release
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/rollback.yml
How to configure docker for rails application see weazar/dora
Author: Yuri Smirnov
Licensed under the MIT License.