This is appstore crawler script, that scrapes all apps and their icons from appstore website using multiple threads and socks proxies.
To use socks proxy, global variable m_socks_proxy_base_port must be set to non-zero value. For example, if base socks port is 8080, first thread will connect via 8080 port, second thread - 8081, third thread - 8082 port and so on.
By default all results will be saved to results.csv file. There is also profiles_done.db file - sqlite database, which contains indexed table with processed urls.
m_num_workers - this variable indicates number of threads, 1 thread by default.
m_retries_num - number of tries to fetch page content.
m_failed_urls_filename - text file with failed urls.
To run script, install requirements into your virtualenv and then run script as:
in order to run in background use:
nohup python >/dev/null 2>&1 &