Backend and web client of my realtime chat application
Note: Before you run this project, nodejs and mysql have to be installed on your computer
Clone project:
git clone
Change directory to client:
cd chatapp-web/client
Change redirect urls with yours:
index.html -> row 37, 52, 62
chat.html -> row 40, 52, 72
Change directory to server:
cd ../server
Install packages:
npm install
Change database credentials in:
Run project:
node app.js
column | type | description |
user_id | integer | pk, ai, not null |
user_name | text | not null |
user_password | text | not null |
column | type | description |
message_id | integer | pk, ai, not null |
message_text | text | not null |
message_sender | integer | fk(users.user_id), not null |