A project in modern C++ that calculates an approximate solution of the equilibrium equation in the case of a three-parameter closure.
git clone git@github.com:sermir2003/low_esotericism.git
cd low_esotericism
mkdir build-directory
cd build-directory
cmake ..
Biological and technical data are entered using json files. To create such a file, enter
./low_esotericism newtask
to create a file with default name, or
./low_esotericism newtask research_name
if you want to specify a research name and it would be research_name.json
Enter the task data
currently only Gauss kernels are supported, to specify such a kernel, enter The standart deviations for the death and birth kernels
"kernel": {
"type": "Gauss",
"sigma m": 0.15,
"sigma w": 0.15,
"limit m": -1,
"limit w": -1
where sigma w and sigma m are standard deviations for the death and birth kernels, and limit w and limit m --- limits of the kernels.
The kernels in this case are the following
You can set the parameters to -1 if you want the kernel to have no limits and the kernel to look like this:
Parameter | Description | Type |
b | Birth rating | Real |
d | Environment death rating | Real |
d' | Competition rating | Real |
Grid count | Number of calculation points | Positive integer |
Iteration count | Number of iterations of the algorithm | Positive integer |
Integration area radius | The rounding boundary of the integral [-r,r] |
Real |
alpha, beta, gamma | Parameters of three-parameter closure | String |
To start the calculations, enter
./low_esotericism solve
to use data from a file with a default name, or
./low_esotericism solve research_name.json
if you want to specify a research name.
Upon completion of calculations on the input data from the file with name research_name.json
, two files will be
created in the same folder with it: research_name_N.txt
and research_name_C.csv
File research_name_N.txt
would contain only one number: the first spatial moment.
File research_name_C.csv
would contain a line graph of the second moment in the form of pairs of coordinates x,y.
The first line contains only the string "x,y", the subsequent ones contain the coordinates of the points.
To then build a line graph in the form of an image, you need to run a special python script in the project directory:
python3 plot_maker.py research_name
to build a graph image for the data from file research_name_C.csv
The program is licensed under the MIT License
The program contains the nlohmann/json library which is licensed under the MIT License.