A NixOS module and a set of helper scripts to fetch secrets from Vault and provide them to systemd services.
The module declares a vault-secrets
which can be used to fetch secrets from vault.
Each service is expected to have a separate "secret" with its own AppRole used
to log in. Secrets are never written to disk, but kept in tmpfs. By default,
they are only accessible by root
and are chmod 600
In this example, substitute myservice
for a valid service name, and hostname
for your machine's hostname.
{ config, ... }:
vs = config.vault-secrets.secrets;
in {
vault-secrets = {
# This applies to all secrets
vaultPrefix = "kv/servers/${config.networking.hostName}";
vaultAddress = "https://vault.example.com:8200";
# Define a secret called `myservice`, with default options.
secrets.myservice = {};
services.myservice = {
enable = true;
environmentFile = "${vs.myservice}/environment";
Note that since version 1.15.0
Vault is distributed under an unfree "Business Source License"
and if you want to use vault-secrets
within your Nix configuration, you'll have to explicitly allow
unfree package in your configuration. The most convenient way to do this is to add
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (pkg.pname) [ "vault" ];
to the configuration of the system that uses vault-secrets
Also please note that allowUnfreePredicate
definitions don't combine and it may override
this settings in your existing configuration in which case make sure to combine them manually.
In this example, we define a secret myservice
for a service called
. The AppRole used to log in will be myservice
. In order to
log in using such an AppRole, it first needs to be created in Vault, and
credentials for it need to be generated, and placed in
. This file should be formatted according to
systemd EnvironmentFile
, and contain the variables VAULT_ROLE_ID
, both of which are UUID provided by Vault. Using the
script generators documented below significantly simplifies the process.
The secrets themselves will be fetched from Vault from two specific paths under
. In this example, it will query kv/servers/hostname/environment
and kv/servers/hostname/secrets
. Any keys defined in environment
will be
dumped into /run/secrets/myservice/environment
in a format suitable for usage
with systemd EnvironmentFile
. Any keys defined in secrets
will be dumped
into individual files under /run/secrets/myservice
, named after the keys, and
containing the corresponding value. The values of secrets
may optionally be
flagged as base64
encoded, which is recommended if you need to store binary
data or multiline text, as Vault has a bad habit of mangling these.
There are options to configure every aspect of this setup to suit your particular needs. These are just the defaults we have chosen, and which we have found work for us in the vast majority of cases.
There are more options. Please see the module for more information. These are just the ones we use more often:
allows to prefix all variable names inenvironment
with a common string. Useful if you're configuring a service like Grafana, which prefixes all options withGRAFANA_
. The trailing underscore is implied!secretsAreBase64
will pipe all keys insecrets
throughbase64 --decode
before dumping to file. Useful for binary or multiline data.quoteEnvironmentValues
defaults to true. Set to false if you need to be Docker compatible.extraScript
runs int he same context as the unit itself, and allows for advanced manipulation of the secrets themselves, or even rendering config files with interpolated secret values. Allenvironment
secrets are automatically available in the environment, and the variable$secretsPath
points to the folder where secrets will be placed. If you generate any files based on secrets, you should probably put them here.services
is a list of strings that defaults to a unit with the same name as the secret itself. The units listed will be bound to the secret-fetching unit, in order to start/stop/restart as one. If your service unit has a different name, or if you need to bind multiple units, this is where you do that.user
allow setting the owning user and group of the entire output folder.approlePrefix
makes it easy to simplistically namespace AppRoles. Since these are not actually namespaced in Vault, and the name defaults to the name of the secret, if you want to have two servers with the same secret/service name, you will have a clash in the AppRole name. Use this setting to prefix the AppRole with the server name.
vault-push-approle-envs and vault-push-approles are both script generators that take a flake and some overrides, then extract some information about NixOS configurations that use the vault-secrets module, and output a script that automates processes required to make the module work. Both resulting scripts must be ran with an administrative-level vault token after adding or changing the secrets definition.
Example of both script generators in action can be found here: https://github.com/serokell/gemini-infra/blob/6bb3e0d/flake.nix#L118
In short, you want to overlay the overlay
from this flake
on top of your nixpkgs, and then add pkgs.vault-push-approles self { /* overrides */ }
and pkgs.vault-push-approle-envs self { /* overrides */ }
either to your devShell
, or as separate apps
in your flake.
Due to the fact that Vault is distributed under unfree license you'll also need to explicitly allow this unfree packages in your overlay, for example:
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
vault-secrets = "github:serokell/vault-secrets";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, vault-secrets, .. }@inputs:
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (pkg.pname) [ "vault" ];
overlays = [ vault-secrets.overlays.default ];
in {
devShells.x86_64-linux.default = pkgs.mkShell {
VAULT_ADDR = "https://my-vault-instance.org";
buildInputs = [
(pkgs.vault-push-approle-envs self)
(pkgs.vault-push-approles self)
This script generates approle definitions and policies, and uploads them to the Vault instance specified in the module configuration. If you need to upload extra approles, or change some of the generated approle definitions or policies, you can use overrides (see examples in the comments on top of the script generator).
This script fetches approle credentials from Vault and then pushes those
credentials to the servers, so that the module can authenticate to Vault.
By default, the ssh hostnames and options are guessed from their networking
config option. If you want to override the options for some hostnames, use
like this:
vault-push-approle-envs self {
getConfigurationOverrides = { attrName, ... }: {
"<attribute name in nixosConfigurations>" = {
# all of these are optional. override just what you need.
hostname = "new.host.name";
sshUser = "remote_ssh_user";
sshOpts = [ "-i" "ssh_host/key" ];
Another option is the older hostNameOverrides
for simpler, hostname-only overrides:
vault-push-approle-envs self {
hostNameOverrides."<attribute name in nixosConfigurations>" = "new.host.name";