Packages to fetch metadata related to the makam music recordings and works from MusicBrainz
If you are using makammusicbrainz in your work, please cite the PhD dissertation:
Şentürk, S. (2016). Computational Analysis of Audio Recordings and Music Scores for the Description and Discovery of Ottoman-Turkish Makam Music. PhD thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
# audio metadata
from makammusicbrainz.audiometadata import AudioMetadata
audioMetadata = AudioMetadata(get_work_attributes=True, print_warnings=True)
audio_meta = audioMetadata.from_musicbrainz(rec_input)
You can either supply recording MBID or recording filepath as the rec_input
# work metadata
from makammusicbrainz.workmetadata import WorkMetadata
workMetadata = WorkMetadata(print_warnings=True)
work_meta = workMetadata.from_musicbrainz(mbid)
Please refer to demo.ipynb for an interactive demo.
If you want to install makammusicbrainz, it is recommended to install the package and its dependencies into a virtualenv. In the terminal, do the following:
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
python install
If you want to be able to edit files and have the changes be reflected, then install compmusic like this instead
pip install -e .
Now you can install the rest of the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements
Sertan Senturk
We would like to thank Dr. Robert Grafias for allowing us to use his makam music collection in our research (in this repository the recording with MBID: 635530df-8e13-4587-a94d-32f3c1643ca6).