A hipcaht API library for elixir
- This is a WIP and not all the functionalaity is here
- for some reason it double posts the message when private message to a user
What you will need:
- you personal token here
client = Hipchat.configure([token: "personal_token"]) #=> [token: "1234"]
Send a message to a room
client |> Hipchat.Rooms.message([room_id: "test", message: "this is a test message", message_format: "text"])
Hipchat.Rooms.message(client, [room_id: "test", message: "this is a test message", message_format: "text"])
Find a room
client |> Hipchat.Rooms.find("test")
Find a user
client |> Hipchat.Users.find("@foo")
Send a private message to a user
client |> Hipchat.Users.message([user_id: "@foo", message: "what's up!"])
Fetch a list of all the rooms
client |> Hipchat.Rooms.all
Fetch all the users
client |> Hipchat.Users.all