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Releases: serversideup/amplitudejs


15 Jul 16:56
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New Features


Bug fixes


12 Jul 22:09
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We focused on making AmplitudeJS easier to use than ever before! Not many changes were added to the core, but we added a ton of new features to stabilize future releases and make it even easier to get started with AmplitudeJS. These features include:

  • Released entirely new demo website ✨
  • Moved all examples to CodePen for easier understanding
  • Greatly improved and organized documentation
  • Much clearer instructions on how to install and get started
  • Added automated testing with TravisCI and Jest tests
  • Added ability for people to become "backers" or "sponsors" on our open collective page
  • Added instructions on how people can contribute to AmplitudeJS (in any capacity)

Bug fixes

We didn't stop there either... We squashed a lot of bugs too:


05 Mar 02:20
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Fixes issues with the Web Audio API not playing audio on Safari and Chrome. This ensures that the user interacts before the Web Audio API starts.


09 Jan 21:54
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New Features

AmplitudeJS 4.0 comes packed with a ton of new features such as:

  • Web Audio API Visualization Elements - You can now visualize your audio and create custom visualizations in a simple template structure!
  • Wave Form Elements - You can now generate waveforms for your AmplitudeJS audio using the Web Audio API.
  • Callbacks For All HTML5 Audio Events - All HTML5 Audio element events are able to be hooked into:
  • Time Based Callbacks - You can now run a method at a certain point within a piece of audio.
  • Re-structured Code - Everything is modular and easy to be extended and maintained.

Breaking Changes

AmplitudeJS 4.0 was one of the biggest releases thus far. We tried to limit the breaking changes, but in order to scale for the future we had to make a few. I should have every change documented below and the reason why the change was made.

All AmplitudeJS Attributes Have HTML5 Dataset Prefix

In order to make AmplitudeJS validated properly by w3 terms, we prefixed all of the attributes on AmplitudeJS elements to have the data- prefix. This makes all of the attributes compatible with the HTML5 dataset API:

What this means is any time you are defining a specific element for a song or playlist, you will have to use data-amplitude-song-index or data-amplitude-playlist. In 3.x releases, these were just amplitude-song-index or amplitude-playlist. In order to work with 4.0 and above, you will have to update these references.

Standard Attributes For Defining Elements

In versions 3.x, we had a variety of different attributes to define an element based on it's level of use. For example, if we had a global play/pause button it'd be amplitude-main-play-pause="true" as an attribute. This got really cumbersome with multiple elements existing on either a global level (controlling the entire player), a playlist level (controlling functions within a playlist), a song level (controlling an individual song), and a song in playlist level (controlling a song within a playlist). Now everything is based on a combination of attributes. These are as follows:

  • Global Level: class="amplitude-{specialized-class}"
  • Playlist Level: class="amplitude-{specialized-class}" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist}"
  • Song Level: class="amplitude-{specialized-class}" data-amplitude-song-index="{songIndex}"
  • Song In Playlist: class="amplitude-{specialized-class}" data-amplitude-song-index="{songIndex}" data-amplitude-playlist="{playlist}"

These combinations work for all elements that are in AmplitudeJS. Now there are some elements that don't span all of the scopes. Let's take an amplitude-volume-up element. This only works on the global level. It wouldn't make sense to have individual playlist volumes.

Playlist Song Indexes Are Scoped To Playlist

In versions 3.x song indexes are now scoped to playlists. What this means is that when you use data-amplitude-song-index on a song display IN a playlist, it references the index of the song in the playlist instead of the songs array. For example if song index 1 is used on the 'Hip Hop' playlist, it references song index 1 within that playlist. Before it was the index in the songs array.

Next And Previous Buttons Only Work In Playlists If Playlist Is Active

So there are two levels of next and previous buttons. The global level which will react to the state of the player and the playlist level. If a global level next button or previous button is clicked, it will either go to the next/previous song in the songs array if no playlist is active, or the next/previous song in the playlist if a playlist is active. Now on the playlist level the buttons only go to the next/previous song in the playlist when clicked and ONLY if the playlist is active. If you click a next/previous button on a playlist that isn't active, it doesn't do anything. It will only print a debug message if debug is turned on.

Autoplay Configuration Has Been Removed

Most browsers do not support autoplay features anymore. The functionality to set up AmplitudeJS for autoplay has been removed. If you initialize with autoplay, it will just be ignored.

That should be the migrations! If you ran into anything, please reach out and we can lend a hand!

Bug Fixes


22 Aug 21:05
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New Features

  • Allows for delay between songs
  • Allows for user to dynamically update meta data

Bug Fixes

  • Returns proper songs from get songs in playlist
  • Fixed issue where song won't play after song sliding and mute
  • Set next fires when adding a song
  • Allow starting playlist song


19 Jun 02:20
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New Features

  • Added two new example players
  • Autofill with metadata
  • Add songs to playlists dynamically
  • Logic implemented to continue after next song ends
  • Added playlist_changed and time_updated callbacks

Bug fixes


16 Nov 17:59
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed version number to match actual release


16 Nov 17:54
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Bug Fixes

  • Set songs to automatically advance by default


26 Oct 01:29
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  • Added two examples

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed documentation issues
  • Added continue_next to the config to disabled playlist functionality if wanted
  • Updated repeat functionality so the playlist won't repeat unless it's on. Also adjusted some of the example styles and functionality.
  • Changed songs to be an array instead of an object by default. Fixes #196
  • Added the re display of elements when a new song has been added. Fixes #183


28 Sep 20:37
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Lots of new features added in this release. We focused on improving the access to the core of AmplitudeJS and added a few fun things along the way!

  • Added key bindings for AmplitudeJS actions
  • Amplitude.getSongs()
  • Amplitude.getSongsInPlaylist( playlistKey )
  • Amplitude.getSongsState()
  • Amplitude.getSongsStatePlaylist( playlist )
  • Amplitude.getActiveIndexState()
  • Amplitude.getVersion()
  • Amplitude.getBuffered()
  • Amplitude.getSongPlayedPercentage()
  • Amplitude.setSongPlayedPercentage( percentage )
  • Added song HTML 5 progress element for more control on styling
  • Removed song time visualization and replaced with progress element. No more markup being added!
  • Added song buffered progress bar