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TestmanaJ is a automated connector utility that injects test results into common test management tools.


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TestmanaJ is a automated connector utility that injects test results into common test management tools.

TestmanaJ's detailed and customizable data-driven properties save the user time in manually uploading test results and facilitates a single location for manual and automated test execution reporting.


  • Config-driven modular library to integrate with any Java-based automation framework
  • Fully automated synchronization of execution results
  • Test or step-level results sync
  • Attachments such as screenshots or documents

Test Management Capability

TestmanaJ version 1.0.0 has been tested using ALM version 14.5. Future releases may support other tools.


Installing TestmanaJ

To install TestmanaJ, follow these steps:

  • Download the jar file from the GitHub repository.
  • Import the Jar into your project's IDE. You may also reference the JAR file into your pom.xml, or any other method of your choosing.
  • Download the resources folder and place on your local. This directory can be placed anywhere on your native project or windows explorer.

Configuring TestmanaJ

If using ALM, open your resources folder and enter into the file. There you can route your ALM credentials into TestmanaJ.

At a bare minimum we recommend to:

  • Fill out
  • Add name, test-instance, testcycl-id, cycle-id, test-id, subtype-id, status and owner to
  • Add test-run-id and TestRunSteps to

Below is a list of test run, and run step properties available for setting, if using ALM:

Test Run Properties comments | status | execution date | execution time | owner | cycle id | test config id | subtype id | test id | test name | ei system id | pc procedure name | has linkage | path | state | test config id | name | os build | os sp | test cycle name | os config | cycle | duration | last modified date/time | test description | assign rcyc | test sync | test instance | cycle name | pc reservation id | attachment(s)
Test Step Properties | Test id | Comp status | Description | Rel Obj id | Obj id | Has linkage | Execution date | Execution time | Desstep id | Has picture | Tree parent id | Bpt path | Actual | Step order | Level | Expected | Line number | Comp subtype name | Extended reference | Execution time | Parent id

Executing in TestmanaJ

  • This is as simple as calling the ExecuteApp method. Initially, we recommend to validate results in your third-party test management tool.


In this section we will introduce the input expected from TestmanaJ, the format that is accepted and where to input that data. TestmanaJ is designed to be integrated with a diverse range of test frameworks, so it is up to the user to appropriately integrate TestmanaJ with their testing framework.

Below you will find a representative case showing a hashmap that will pass the ExecuteApp class, it is important to note that though this is a hardcoded example, you will generate the hashmaps dynamically from your framework. This is just a foundational example.

   public Foo bar() {

       String testCaseName = "Google Search - Negative test";

        LinkedHashMap<String, String> runProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        runProperties.put("attachment", // Your file path );
        runProperties.put("comments", "This is a comment");

        LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> steps = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        LinkedHashMap<String, String> stepProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        stepProperties.put("status", "Passed");
        stepProperties.put("description", "Given I navigate to");
        steps.put("Step 1", stepProperties);

        stepProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        stepProperties.put("status", "Passed");
        stepProperties.put("description", "Given I enter text search into");
        stepProperties.put("expected", "Google Home Page Should Load");
        steps.put("Step 2", stepProperties);

        String resoucesPath = SystemUtils.getUserDir().toString();

        updateTestCase(testCaseName, steps, runProperties, resoucesPath);

public static void updateTestCase(String testCaseName, LinkedHashMap<String, 
LinkedHashMap<String, String>> steps, LinkedHashMap<String, String> runProperties, 
String resourcesPath) throws Exception {
      App executeApp = new App(resourcesPath,"resources/");
      executeApp.updateTestResult(testCaseName, steps, runProperties);

Using the representative case above, let's list the sequence of steps that occur. Once again, this is a hardcoded example, your hashmaps will be generated dynamically from your framework. So lets begin assuming the hashmap above was pulled from your testing framework.

  1. Argument to pass input to Testmanaj resourcesPath: Data type = String, Data = path where the configuration file is stored

    String resourcesPath = SystemUtils.getUserDir().toString() + "resources/";
  2. Argument to Create hashmap with step details: Data type = LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>>, Data = test step details

    LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> steps = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    LinkedHashMap<String, String> stepProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    stepProperties.put("status", "Passed");
    stepProperties.put("description", "Given I navigate to");
    steps.put("Step 1", stepProperties);
    stepProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    stepProperties.put("status", "Failed");
    stepProperties.put("description", "Then google.results are displayed");
    stepProperties.put("actual", "actual result");
    stepProperties.put("attachment", "screenshot path");
    steps.put("Step 2", stepProperties);
  3. Argument to create hashmap with test run details (Attachments and comments): Data Type = LinkedHashMap<String, String>, Data = runProperties

    LinkedHashMap<String, String> runProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    runProperties.put("attachment", "screenshot path");
    runProperties.put("comments", "This is a comment");
  4. Argument to create reference object for Testmanaj and pass the resource path

    App app = new App(resourcesPath);
  5. Argument to call updateTestResult method to update test result with all the test details

    app.updateTestResult(testCaseName, steps, runProperties);

Usage Example

Building on top of the representative case explanation above, let us now leverage the example below that dynamically integrates hashmaps using bdd that will pass the ExecuteApp class to test management tool. Please look out for the comments introduced throughout this example in the code snippets that will highlight key ideas.

Initally, this is the setup creating the different objects and variables needed.

public class Hooks {
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Hooks.class.getName());

      LinkedHashMap<String, String> runProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
      LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> steps = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int c=0;
      LinkedHashMap<String, String> stepProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
      LinkedHashMap<String, String> DateAndTime = new LinkedHashMap<>();
      LinkedHashMap<Integer, LinkedHashMap<String, String>> trys = new LinkedHashMap<>();

      ArrayList<String> passorfail = new ArrayList<String>();
      String errors = "";

      public String deploy_connector=GlobalProperties.getConfigProperties()

These two functions add properties to a step (date, time) and add properties to a run (date, time)

     public void addStepProperties(String key, String value) {
                     if (deploy_connector.equals("true")) {
                                     stepProperties.put(key, value);
     public void addRunProperties(String key, String value){
                     if (deploy_connector.equals("true")) {
                                     runProperties.put(key, value);

This function happens before every Test. Additonally, the file path needs to change for the specific user in order to save the log file that will be created. Further down, you will see the beforeStep function adds the DateAndTime to each step to track when they're being executed.

public void beforeTest(Scenario scenario) throws Throwable {
  if (GlobalProperties.getConfigProperties().getProperty("deploy_connector")
                                            .equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { 

// toggle for deploy data to reporting tool
                  File file = new File(Your file path);
                  passorfail = new ArrayList<String>();
                  int c=0;
                  runProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();

//Format data to put into runProperties
                  SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                  Date date = new Date();
                  String DT = formatter.format(date);
                  String[] DateTime = DT.split(" ");
                  runProperties.put("execution-date", DateTime[0]);
                  runProperties.put("execution-time", DateTime[1]);
                  ArrayList<Object> arlist = new ArrayList<Object>();
                  ArrayList<String> teststeps = new ArrayList<String>();

//Accessing fields to get step name/Description to add into Steps Hashmap
                  Object cases = FieldUtils.readField(scenario, "testCase", true);
                  Object steps_all = FieldUtils.readField(cases, "testSteps", true);
                  for (Object o : (ArrayList) steps_all) {
                                  arlist.add(FieldUtils.readField(o, "step", true));
                  for (Object stepin : (ArrayList<Object>) arlist) {
                                           .readField(stepin, "text", true)
//Loop to add the data into Step hash map using step properties
                  for (int i = 0; i < teststeps.size(); i++) {

                                  stepProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();

//Format data to put into stepProperties
                                  stepProperties.put("description", teststeps.get(i));
                                  stepProperties.put("status", "No Run"); //Default status- No run
                                  steps.put("Step " + (i + 1), stepProperties);

public void beforeStep(Scenario scenario) throws Throwable {
                SimpleDateFormat formatter1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                Date date1 = new Date();
                String DT1 = formatter1.format(date1);
                String[] DateTime1 = DT1.split(" ");

                DateAndTime.put("execution-date", DateTime1[0]);
                DateAndTime.put("execution-time", DateTime1[1]);
                if(steps.containsKey("Steps "+(c+1))){
                    steps.get("Steps "+(c+1)).putAll(DateAndTime);

After the step is executed, the status of "pass" or "fail" is returned from your third-party test management tool and added to an array list.

public void afterStep(Scenario scenario) throws Throwable {
                //getting each step status and adding to an array list

It is important to note, the file path needs to change for the specific user in order to save the log file created. Likewise, in afterTest if the scenario failed the error messages will be written to the file specified in the file path. Additonally, it will capture a screenshot of the failed step and adds it to the run properties.

public void afterTest(Scenario scenario) throws Throwable {

    if (GlobalProperties.getConfigProperties()
                        .equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
    try {

    //To change the status of all passed steps
    if (scenario.getStatus()
                .equals("PASSED")) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < passorfail.size(); i++) {
                                    if (passorfail.get(i).equals("PASSED")) {
                                                    passorfail.set(i, "Done");
                                                    steps.get("Step " + (i + 1)).put("status", "Passed");

else {
                    //triggering exception for when status is Failed
                    throw new Exception();

} catch (Exception e) {

    if (scenario.isFailed()) {
                    File file = new File(Your file path);
                    StringWriter error = new StringWriter();
                    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(error));
                    String test = error.toString();

                    //write to log file
                    FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
                    //stack trace to String
                    byte[] strToBytes = test.getBytes();

      //To access error field in step_results Field
      Field field = FieldUtils.getField(scenario.getClass(), "stepResults", true);
      try {
                      ArrayList<Result> results = (ArrayList<Result>) field.get(scenario);
                      for (Result result : results) {
                                      if (result.getError() != null) {
                                                      errors = (FieldUtils.readField(result.getError(), "detailMessage", true)).toString();
                                                      errors=errors+" Check the attachments for more technical data";

      } catch (Exception javaErr) {
                      // To handle unknown exception
      //Loop to change status of failed Test steps
      for (int i = 0; i < passorfail.size(); i++) {
                      if (passorfail.get(i).equals("FAILED")) {
                                      passorfail.set(i, "Done");
    steps.get("Step " + (i + 1)).put("status", "Failed");
                Object cases = FieldUtils.readField(scenario, "testCase", true);
                steps.get("Step " + (i + 1)).put("actual", errors);
} else  {
                                if (passorfail.get(i).equals("PASSED")) {
                                                passorfail.set(i, "Done");
                                                steps.get("Step " + (i + 1)).put("status", "Passed");
                //Taking screenshot for Failed Step and adding to runProperties
                String screenshotpath = ScreenShotMethods.captureScreenShot(OutputType.FILE, scenario);
                scenario.embed(((TakesScreenshot) DriverUtil.getDefaultDriver()).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.BYTES), "image/png");
                                //adds logger file and screenshot to attachments
String testCaseName = scenario.getName();
//Deploying Test data to test management tool
App app = new App(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "resources/");
app.updateTestResult(testCaseName, steps, runProperties);

Contributing to TestmanaJ

To contribute to TestmanaJ, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a branch from master and name according to issue: git checkout -b <branch_name>.
  3. Make your changes and commit them (include concise comments about changes): git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Create a pull request.
  5. The pull request is raised to signal that they think the task is complete and it is now ready for review. Upon our review we can approve, or request follow up modifications prior to us approving the merge.

Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.


  • Evaluate Architecture to support additional test-management tools
  • Increase Unit Test Coverage
    • method uploadAttachment
    • method uploadAttachmentToStep
  • Expand documentation via Github Wiki


TestmanaJ is a automated connector utility that injects test results into common test management tools.







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