Data science project that provides visuals on Spotify popularity trends and is able to predict the popularity of any song on Spotify given its song features.
Quickstart Instructions:
Click on this link: which will redirect you to the hosted Notebook on Binder. It may take a few moments to build the server.
As soon as the server is loaded, it will redirect you to a page with a list of project files. Click the very first file titled “Spotify_Predict_the_Hits.ipynb”. The application will execute and you will be able to interact with the modules.
Sometimes the interactable modules are unable to load, to fix this issue:
Click “Kernel” which is located in the toolbar. Click “Restart and Run All” from the Kernel dropdown menu. Click “Restart and Run All Cells” from the pop-up dialog menu. All the cells should execute, and the interactable cells should work now.