Supports HSB http(s) devices on the HomeBridge Platform and provides a readable callback for getting and setting the following characteristics to Homekit:
- Characteristic.On
- Characteristic.Brightness
- Characteristic.Hue
- Characteristic.Saturation
"accessories": [
"accessory": "HTTP-HSB",
"name": "HSB Led Strip",
"color": {
"status": "http://localhost/color",
"url": "http://localhost/setColor?set=%s",
"hsb_delimiter": ",",
"cacheTime": 500
List of parameters that can or must be used in config.json
(required) name of your accessory.http_method
parent http method (default: "GET").username
(required) url to get HSB device settings.color.url
(required) url to set HSB device settings.color.http_method
http method used in get/set request (default:http_method
character to be used as delimiter (default: ",").color.cacheTime
time in milliseconds for how long should hold data from get request (default: 500).color.limiterTime
time in milliseconds for how long is wait for set request data (default: 50).
Temperature sensor is optional, i just wanted to have it on same device (I will probably removed it later). To use temp sensor, fill required parameters in same way as color.
(required) name of your temperature sensor [].temp.url
(required) url to get data from device settings .temp.http_method
http method used in get request (default:http_method
All requests expect a 200 HTTP status code and a body of a single string with no HTML markup.
expects HSB and Power value [0-360, 0-100, 0-100, 0-1].color.url
send HSB and Power value [0-360, 0-100, 0-100, 0-1].
I needed a way to control my RGB Led strip from HomeKit/HomeBridge. I started using plugin jnovack/homebridge-better-http-rgb, but soon i found out that RGB format of color doesn't suit my project, so i took base of the code and rewrote it to support HSB. Then I started eliminating get/set requests as ESP8266 (Controller for Led Strip I used) can't take multiple requests well (Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Power). I was able to merge this requests together, so only one get request is send to get all of the values. Later I added cache for get requests and set limiter.
- Update tests
- Remove temp sensor