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Terraform ClusterControl Provider

This is the Terraform Provider for the Severalnines ClusterControl - Database Automation Tool.


Name Version
Terraform >= 0.13.x
ClusterControl >= 1.9.8


Name Version
Terraform ClusterControl Provider >= 0.2.0



Quick Start

Installing and configuring ClusterControl for API access

[NOTE:] If you already have ClusterControl running in your env, skip to #4

  1. Getting started with ClusterControl
  2. ClusterControl installation requirements
  3. Install ClusterControl
  4. Configure ClusterControl - Enable ClusterControl for API access by (on the ClusterControl host)

sudo vi /etc/default/cmon and set the RPC_BIND_ADDRESSES as shown below


Where is the private IP of the ClusterControl host. Restart ClusterControl service.

sudo systemctl restart cmon

  1. Run a quick test to make sure you can access ClusterControl via its REST API (curl or postman)
curl -c cookie.jar.txt -k '' -XPOST -d '{"operation":"authenticateWithPassword","user_name":"CHANGE_ME","password":"CHANGE_ME"}'

Where username and password are valid login credentials for ClusterControl.

Make sure you get a response like the following. If you don't get a similar JSON response, it means something has gone wrong.

    "controller_id": "76936896-794a-4f5f-95ac-5c44cefb6830",
    "is_superuser": true,
    "request_processed": "2024-05-24T15:00:35.400Z",
    "request_status": "Ok",
        "RPC V2 authenticated user is 'username'."
        "class_name": "CmonUser",
        "owner_user_name": "username",
                "class_name": "CmonGroup",
                "cdt_path": "/groups",
                "group_name": "admins"
            "class_name": "CmonTimeZone",
            "name": "UTC",
            "abbreviation": "UTC",
            "offset": 0,
            "use_dst": false

A cookie will be returned by ClusterControl back-end and saved in the cookie.jar.txt per the curl command. Execute the following additional curl command and check the response to make sure you are properly authenticated with ClusterControl.

curl -k -b cookie.jar.txt '' -XPOST -d '{"operation": "getAllClusterInfo"}'

Response should look like the following JSON:

    "controller_id": "76936896-794a-4f5f-95ac-5c44cefb6830",
    "request_processed": "2024-05-24T15:07:25.837Z",
    "request_status": "Ok",
    "request_user_id": 5,
    "total": 0,
    "debug_messages": [
        "RPC V2 authenticated user is 'username'."

Deploying database clusters using terraform for ClusterControl

Navigate to the examples folder for concrete examples on deploying database clusters of various types (MySQL/MariaDB replication or galera with ProxySQL, PostgreSql replication, MongoDB replicaset and/or sharded, Redis sentinel, Microsoft SQL server, and Elasticsearch)

Navigate to the docs folder for generated documentation on the terraform provider plugin for ClusterControl

Setup terraform.tfvars file with the following secrets.


Running terraform to deploy database clusters

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan -var-file="terraform.tfvars"
terraform apply -var-file="terraform.tfvars"

Destroying a deployed database cluster.

After navigating to the appropriate directory which was used to deploy a cluster:

terraform destroy -var-file="terraform.tfvars"