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Google Summer Of Code 2013 SevNTU Checkstyle Registration Info

Daniil Yaroslavtsev edited this page Mar 1, 2014 · 7 revisions

Organization Id


Organization name

SevNTU Checkstyle

Organization home page url

Describe your organization.

“SevNTU Checkstyle” is an open-source non-profitable organization established in summer 2010 as an initiative of developers from Revere Data LLC,main office located in San Francisco and affiliated office - in Sevastopol (Ukraine). The main idea of the organization is to help students during their Summer break at Sevastopol National Technical University (SevNTU) to gain knowledge in Java and create useful tool for Java community. Students who have successfully completed their summer practice with us, continue their advancement in Java development at this organization with flexible schedule. List of our contributors is here. All our student are from the same university only because we have close personal relationships with lecturers and students, so they help us to find new students that are interested in open-source development. But this is just historical fact, we are open for help to any other contributors/students. We do not have organization site yet, but all our work is presented in projects wiki pages and project description pages. Administrator and main mentor - Roman Ivanov (, ).

Why is your organization applying to participate in Google Summer of Code 2013? What do you hope to gain by participating?

Our main goal is to give students one more prove that tasks that they struggle with(static code analysis) are of demand to the community, give them encouragement to participate in one of the most known students practice all over the world. By the end of this summer they will be able to share positive experiences of Software development practicing with their friends and colleagues, thus, contribute to open-source projects by spreading awareness and increasing the number of students involved in open-source. Previously we had difficulty keeping constant interest of prominent students in our organization, as students always tend to find a paid job during their summer break instead of volunteering. But even without competitive financial encouragement, we still have a lot to offer, which is mainly: experience in real-life practical tasks and knowledge transition. That is why students stay with us, and their number is constantly growing.

Has your organization participated in past Google Summer of Codes? (yes/no)


If you answered “yes” to the question above, please summarize your involvement and the successes and challenges of your participation. Please also list your pass/fail rate for each year.

If your organization has not previously participated in Google Summer of Code, have you applied in the past? If so, for what year(s)?

We have never participated before.

What Open Source Initiative approved license(s) does your project use?


What is the URL for your Ideas list?

Possible reasons why we failed:

Creating your list of project ideas should also be part of an ongoing long-term strategy, rather than a rushed act to meet the application deadline. Many organizations maintain such project lists year-round.


A link to your bug tracker does not an Ideas Page make. Put your best foot forward. In addition to a basic list, you might also consider providing links to relevant resources for mentors and students, particular FAQ entries, the timeline, etc


What is the main development mailing list for your organization?

each project has its own mailing list, as they are different:



What is the main IRC channel for your organization?

each project has its own IRC channel, as they are different:



Who will be your backup organization administrator?

Alexander Berezovsky

What criteria did you use to select the mentors? Please be as specific as possible.

I (Roman Ivanov) plan to be a mentor and administrator in the same time, as I did it before for 3 years for all projects we have. Not sure that such small organization as we are, could need more mentors. Back-up administrator could play a backup mentor role.

What is your plan for dealing with disappearing students? Please be as specific as possible.

Now our students have a flexible schedule, as they are not payed. We thank them for any contribution and keep in contact by exchanging e-mails ones in two weeks or by receiving notification that a student has put on hold his participation for some period of time. But in GSoC there is payed encouragement from Google, so schedule will not be that free. Our view:

  • we will transfer all our current private e-mail communication to open platform (in our mail list), enabling each student to discuss problems separately and transparently to all mentors. Student will report twice a week about his status/achievements, they will have to do each day of “push” to repository to avoid loss of sources. Their remote repositories will be published in mailing list.
  • we will exchange cell phone numbers with students and additional emails to keep more in touch.
  • all tasks are described in detail and have their deadlines of 5 days for each task.
  • if student does not respond to mail-list(or private e-mail) and does not write a state-report once in a week, he receives public warning on mail-list. After a week of silence we will use alternative ways of communications(phone, private e-mails), if none of them work, he gets a second warning in mail-list. If he does not appear at Milestone, he is disqualified and I report to Google about this (prove is in mail-list, push history in github).

What is your plan for dealing with disappearing mentors? Please be as specific as possible.

I will be a mentor for these projects, as I did it before for almost 3 years. If anything unexpected happens - backup administrator will help and supervise students.

What steps will you take to encourage students to interact with your project's community before, during and after the program?

In short, we have detailed instructions to setup development environment, so we convinced that start will be simple for any students. Students will go through all stages of Software development process. All tasks are directed to improve quality of code writing so that they will be able to use their work results in further Java development in Eclipse after finishing GSoC.
In detail, the main encouragement is a continuity of experience that I pass to students. We always discuss nuances of Java languages and I demand deep understanding from them of what they are writing about, and the quality of code is always an issue and a primary concern here. I do detailed code review each time students are ready for review and I show them how to improve code. We help them to become more familiar with Linux as best development OS. They see that they are growing very quickly and become understand in more detail all what happens behind the scenes of Java. Students learn from their own mistakes. After they fix problems I always explain the consequences of a problem not being fixed properly, as I am convinced that in open-source only a good and properly-written code will survive. Links to the code they write could later be enclosed to their CV, as a valuable proof of good style and knowledge (smth that they will never be ashamed of). I also, kind of, prepare students for interviews in IT companies, by pointing to nuances of language and design approaches and performing detailed code review.

Are you a new organization who has a Googler or other organization to vouch for you? If so, please list their name(s) here.

Aleksey Pesternikov ( Dmytro Voytenko (

Are you an established or larger organization who would like to vouch for a new organization applying this year? If so, please list their name(s) here.


What will you do to encourage that your accepted students stick with the project after Google Summer of Code concludes?

We will explain why our projects matter and how they can be used in development process at any company. Regardless of the workplace they can apply those knowledge they gained during CSoC. It is important to emphasize, that firstly students create helping tool for themselves, and only then - for all others in community. We involve student in the world of coding with quality and show them how to catch bad practices and how to code validation to prevent their appearance in future. We do not focus on just coding to make it work no matter what, but we teach them to create easy to support and easy to read code. By participating in later projects after GSoC students will have an opportunity to polish their knowledge in coding and design more. Upon graduation from GSoC they will have place to share their ideas and probably become a mentors/maintainer. It is beneficial to mention in students CV that their are contributors of tools that use most of Java companies in day to day development.

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