Contributors: sewmyheadon, ivycat
Tags: translation-ready, custom-background, theme-options, custom-menu, post-formats, threaded-comments, performance optimized
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.9.5
Stable tag: 1.0.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Bitsy is a slim, optimized starter theme based on and
Bitsy is a simple, optimized starter theme based on underscores, Skel, and Baseline with a cool theme wrapper to keep your code warm and DRY.
Bitsy includes support for Grunt to help you compile and optimize SASS, JS, update your file, and more.
Either upload the zip file through the WordPress Admin, or use git to clone the theme into you themes directory.
- In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button.
- Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now.
- Click Activate to use your new theme right away.
Since Bitsy is a starter theme, chances are you're going to continue theme development using Bitsy as a basis.
While you don't have to use it, Bitsy is all set up with Grunt to do the following:
- Compile SASS using Compass
- Test our JS
- Concatenate JS
- Copy your readme.txt to a file for GitHub or other git hosts.
- Install or update Node and npm.
- Control any command-line fear.
Once Node and npm are installed and you've got the theme in the right place, you'll want to use the command line to cd
into the theme directory and run npm install
, which will pull in all of the required theme automation packages.
To learn and be lean.
Bitsy currently includes support for:
- Infinite Scroll in Jetpack.
- WooCommerce
Absolutely! Please feel free to contribute comments, suggestions, pull requests, dark chocolate, or bug reports in Bitsy's GitHub repo.
- Bug fix: sidebar logic fixed so page templates always outrank site-wide defaults
- Enhancement: Increase font size and tune font vertical rhythm.
- Enhancement: Add custom header image capability with default.
- All decked out with new responsive sidebar templates and sidebar logic
- Default sidebar settings available through Theme Customizer
- Change page layout per-page using page templates: full width, left sidebar, right sidebar, left & right sidebars, and blank.
- Remove Generator tags for WordPress and WooCommerce
- Ignore PHPStorm project directory
- Add margin top when logged in to clear admin bar
- More color streamlining
- Streamline color definitions and variables
- Update header font sizing
- Fix footer class call
- Update readme files to document Grunt.
- Add WooCommerce support. Update to current _s.
- Add hooks for header, content, and footer classes.
- Minor docs update to help developers get started with Grunt.
- Minor docs updates - give credit to Baseline, linkify inspirational projects
- Minor docs update to give credit where it's due.
- Initial release
- Skel, (C) 2016, MIT
- Baseline, (C) n33, MIT
- Underscores, (C) 2012-2017 Automattic, Inc., GPLv2 or later
- normalize.css, (C) 2012-2017 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, MIT