Hi there, I'm Seyone 👋
This is outdated, and I will update it (one day)
I'm a 17 year old senior in high school working on computational drug discovery and machine learning as a Research Intern in the Aspuru-Guzik Group at the University of Toronto and Vector Institute. One of the projects I help develop there is SELFIES, a 100% robust molecular string representation for machine learning models. Previously, I worked as an ML intern on the Applied AI team at Integrate.ai, an enterprise software company building a consumer insights platform for Fortune 500 companies.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on democratizing deep learning for the life sciences with DeepChem. I work on developing sequence and graph based models for understanding structural biology and chemistry
- 🔬 My research is supported by the Emergent Ventures Fellowship, given by Tyler Cowen at the Mercatus Centre and funded by the Thiel Foundation.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning NLP, Deep Graph Library, and neuroscience 🧠
- ⚙️ I use
, anddgl
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on machine learning for chemistry, biology, and materials science
- 💬 Ask me about geometric learning, natural language processing and computational chemistry.
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Email