Researchers are collecting data on a local bog and need app to quickly record field data. Our goal is to create a Bog App.
Objectives |
Review CRUD in the context of a Rails application, especially Updating and Deleting a resource. |
Examine form helpers and partials (if time permits) in a Rails Application. |
Apply styling and Bootstrap to our site to create a custom layout. |
Background |
A bog is a mire that accumulates peat, a deposit of dead plant material—often mosses. |
I hear bog and think of Yoda and Luke...
Or maybe Sir Didymus and The Bog of Eternal Stench...
Part I: Showing All Creatures with Index
- Set up a new project.
- Drop in Bootstrap.
- Set up a
index route and view template. - Create a Creature model.
- verify it works in console
- make your
controller action send all creature data to the creatures index view - display all creatures by iterating over them in the creatures index view
Part II: Make A Creature with New (form) and Create (database)
Make a new creature from a form
- Set up a GET
route - Use a
controller action display a new creature form (with form helpers!) - Set up a POST
route - Use a
route to make a newCreature
and save it to the database
- Set up a GET
Show a single creature
- Set up a GET
route - Use a
controller action to render a view template for a singlecreature
- Set up a GET
Part III: Change a Creature with Edit (form) and Update (database)
- Set up a GET
route and a creatures#edit controller action to display an edit creature form view. - Set up a PUT or PATCH
route and a creatures#update controller action to update one creature and save it to the database based on the edit form.
Part IV: Delete a Creature with Delete/Destory
- Setup a DELETE
route and a creatures#destroy controller action to delete a particular creature from the database. - Add a delete button to a view so the user can trigger the delete request.
Memorize this:
REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. We will strictly adhere to RESTful routing for Rails resources, but Rails will set up a lot of it for us.
In the Terminal, run the following commands:
rails new bog_app -T --database=postgresql
to create a new Rails project calledbog_app
, without including tests (-T
), using the PostgreSQL databasecd bog_app
to move into the newbog_app
directoryrake db:create
to have Rails set up a database for the new apprails s
orrails server
to start the WEBrick server
Now our app is up and running at localhost:3000.
Rails handles JavaScript and CSS with a system called the asset pipeline. We'll go over it more next week, but for now we'll just drop Bootstrap into it.
For the asset pipeline, third party css libraries belong in vendor/assets
. We'll add Bootstrap's minified css to the vendor/assets/stylesheets
directory. Use the following Terminal command to download the Bootstrap css file (the curl
part) and save it in a new bootstrap-3.2.0.min.css
file inside that directory (the part starting with >
curl > vendor/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap-3.2.0.min.css
If you want to add other front-end libraries before we cover the asset pipeline, there is another option. Add the libraries to your pages with CDN links in the built-in partial app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
. This isn't the right way, but it's okay until we learn the asset pipeline. Here's an example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<%= yield %>
<!-- include jQuery with a CDN -->
<script src=""></script>
Go to config/routes.rb
. Inside the routes draw
block, you can erase all the commented text. It should now look exactly as follows:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
Now we start defining our routes.
Your routes tell your app how to direct HTTP requests* to a controller action. Let's get ready for our first route.
The syntax for any route goes as follows:
request_type "/for/some/path/goes", to: "controller#method", as: "prefix"
e.g. if we had a
that had aindex
method we could sayget "/puppies", to: "puppies#index"
Rails also has a built-in shorthand to create routes:
In the Terminal,
rake routes
will show that some routes have a path prefix listed. These routes are associated with path methods Rails creates for us and uses behind the scenes. The format of a path method name isprefix_path
(for example,creatures_path
Using the above routing pattern, we'll write our first route, the GET /
or "root" route.
# /config/routes.rb
RouteApp::Application.routes.draw do
root to: 'creatures#index'
# We'll also use the resources method to have Rails
# make an index route for our creatures resource.
resources :creatures, only: [:index]
# resources :creatures with :index is equivalent to adding:
# get "/creatures", to: "creatures#index"
Let's begin by having Rails generate a creatures controller for us. Run the following command in your Terminal.
rails g controller creatures
Next, we'll set up our creatures#index
method (you'll often see this syntax for methods inside controllers, which are referred to as "controller actions": controller#action
# app/controllers/creatures_controller.rb
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# show all creatures
def index
# get all creatures from db and save to instance variable
@creatures = Creature.all
# render index view file (it will have access to instance variables)
render :index
In Terminal, we create our Creature
model using a rails generator as follows:
rails g model creature name description
Then migrate to update the database with this change:
rake db:migrate
In the Terminal, enter the Rails console. The Rails console is built on top of irb, but it has access to your Rails project. Use it to create a Creature model
rails console # do this in the main Terminal (file system)
Creature.create({name: "Yoda", description: "Green little man"}) # do this once you're inside Rails console
When we create an application in development, we typically will want some mock data to play with. In Rails, we can just drop this into the db/seeds.rb
Back in your text editor, add some seed data to db/seeds.rb
# db/seeds.rb
Creature.create({name: "Luke", description: "Jedi"})
Creature.create({name: "Darth Vader", description: "Father of Luke"})
Run rake db:seed
in Terminal (not inside rails console!). Note that the seed file will also get run every time you rake db:reset
to reset your database.
If you look at your views, the views/creatures
folder has already been created. We just need to add the file below:
<!-- app/views/creatures/index.html.erb` -->
<% @creatures.each do |creature| %>
Name: <%= %> <br>
Description: <%= creature.description %>
<% end %>
The Rails convention is to make a form for new creatures available at the /creatures/new
path in our browser. Let's use resources
to add this route.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'creatures#index'
resources :creatures, only: [:index, :new]
# resources :creatures with :new is equivalent to adding:
# get "/creatures/new", to: "creatures#new", as: "new_creature"
A GET request for /creatures/new
will search for a creatures#new
action, so we must create a method to handle this request. It will render the new.html.erb
in the app/views/creatures
# app/controllers/creatures_controller.rb
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# ... keep your other content, and add:
# show the new creature form
def new
render :new # optional; this is the default behavior
Let's create the app/views/creatures/new.html.erb
with a form that the user can use to sumbit new creatures to the application. Note: the url for the route is /creatures
because it's the collection we are submiting to, and the method is POST
because we want to create.
<!-- app/views/creatures/new.html.erb -->
<%= form_for :creature, url: "/creatures", method: "post" do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.text_area :description %>
<%= f.submit "save creature" %>
<% end %>
Go to localhost:3000/creatures/new
and look through the HTML for the form that was created from this erb. form_for
is a "form helper," and it sets up more than just what you might guess from its erb. Note the method
and action
in the form -- what route should we create next?
Let's define the route we just promised to set up when we said url: "/creatures", method: "post"
. It's a POST /creatures
route, and Rails calls this action create
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'creatures#index'
resource :creatures, only: [:index, :new, :create]
# resources :creatures with :create is equivalent to adding:
# post "/creatures", to: "creatures#create"
Run rake routes
from the Terminal to see the new route that Rails created for you.
Let's get this data into the database! We'll need to make a creatures#create
controller action.
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# keep your other methods, and add:
# create a new creature in the database
def create
# validate params and save them as a variable
creature_params = params.require(:creature).permit(:name, :description)
# create a new creature with those params
creature =
# check that it saved
# if saved, redirect to route that shows all creatures
redirect_to creatures_path
# ^ same as redirect_to "/creatures"
Let's update our creatures#new
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# keep your other methods, and update new:
def new
@creature =
render :new
This sets @creature
to a new instance of a Creature
, which we can now share with or view in views/creatures/new.html.erb
. This lets us shorten the code for our form_for
form helper.
<!-- app/views/creatures/new.html.erb -->
<%= form_for @creature do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.text_area :description %>
<%= f.submit "save creature" %>
<% end %>
Go to localhost:3000/creatures/new
again and look at the HTML of the form that resulted from this updated erb.
Right now, our app redirects to /creatures
after a creature is made, and the new creature shows up at the bottom of the page. Let's make a route where users can go to see a specific creature. Then we'll be able to show a creature by itself right after it's created.
First, add a show
route. This sets up a GET /creatures/:id
# /config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'creatures#index'
resources :creatures, only: [:index, :new, :create, :show]
# resources :creatures with :show is equivalent to adding:
# get "/creatures/:id", to: "creatures#show", as: "creature"
Now that we have our route, we'll add the controller action it uses.
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# keep your other methods, and add:
# show a single creature
def show
# get the id parameter from the url
id = params[:id]
# find the creature with that id and save to an instance variable
@creature = Creature.find(id)
# render the show page -- it will have access to the @creature variable
render :show
Now, let's set up the view that will show a single creature.
<!-- app/views/creatures/show.html.erb -->
Name: <%= %> <br>
Description: <%= @creature.description %>
The creatures#create
method currently redirects to /creatures
. Again, this isn't very helpful for users who want to verify that they successfully created a creature. The best way to fix this is to have it redirect to /creatures/:id
# app/controllers/creatures_controller.rb
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# keep your other methods the same, and update create to redirect to the creature show route:
def create
# validate params and save them as a variable
creature_params = params.require(:creature).permit(:name, :description)
# create a new creature with those params
creature =
# check that it saved
# if saved, redirect to route that shows just this creature
redirect_to creature
# ^ same as redirect_to creature_path(creature)
# ^ same as redirect_to "/creatures/#{}"
Part III: Change a Creature with edit
(form) and update
Editing a Creature model requires two seperate methods:
displays a form with the model information to be edited by the userupdate
actually updates information in the database when the form is submitted
If look back at how we set up our new
form, we see the following pattern.
- Make a route first
- Define a controller action
- Render a form view
The only difference for editing is that now we'll need to know the id
of the object to be edited. We'll follow this plan:
- Make a route first
- Make sure it specifies the
of the record to be edited
- Make sure it specifies the
- Define a controller action
- Retrieve the
of the specific record to be edited fromparams
- Use ActiveRecord and the
to find the record
- Retrieve the
- Render a form view
- Display the edit form, with the current information from the record we found
We begin with showing the edit form: this will be our server's response to a GET /creatures/:id/edit
request from a client. We can easily define a route to handle getting the edit page by expanding our resources
in routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'creatures#index'
resources :creatures, only: [:index, :new, :create, :show, :edit]
# resources :creatures with :edit is equivalent to adding:
# get "/creatures/:id", to: "creatures#edit", as: "edit_creature"
Using our #new
method as inspiration, we can write an #edit
action in our creatures controller.
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# keep your other methods, and add:
# show an edit form for a specific creature
def edit
# save the id parameter to a variable
id = params[:id]
# look up the creature by id and save to an instance variable
@creature = Creature.find(id)
# render the edit form view -- it will have access to the @creature instance variable
render :edit
Let's jump start an edit form by copying the form from our views/creatures/new.html.erb
into views/creatures/edit.html.erb
<!-- app/views/creatures/edit.html.erb -->
<%= form_for @creature do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.text_area :description %>
<%= f.submit "update creature" %>
<% end %>
Go to localhost:3000/creatures/1/edit
to see what it looks like so far. Check the method
and action
of the form. Also look at the _method
input. What is it doing? The Rails form helper knew to turn this same code into an edit form on the edit page!
Looking back at how we handled the submission of our new
form, we see that the task of creating an item in the database used the following pattern.
- Make a route first.
- Define a controller action.
- Redirect to some view.
The only difference for updating versus creating is that now we will need to keep track of the id
of the object being updated.
- Make a route first.
- Make sure it specifies the
of the thing to be updated
- Make sure it specifies the
- Define a controller action.
- Retrieve the
of the record to be updated fromparams
- Use the
to find the record - Retrieve the updated info sent from the form in
- Update the record
- Retrieve the
- Redirect to show the updated record.
- Use
to redirect to that item's show page
- Use
The update route will use the id
of the object to be updated. In Express, we decided between PUT /creatures/:id
and PATCH /creatures/:id
. When we add :update
to our creatures resources
in routes.rb
, Rails creates both routes!
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'creatures#index'
resources :creatures, only: [:index, :new, :show, :create, :edit, :update]
# resources :creatures with :update is equivalent to adding BOTH:
# patch "/creatures/:id", to: "creatures#update"
# put "/creatures/:id", to: "creatures#update"
Run rake routes
in the Terminal to see the newly created update routes.
In the CreaturesController
, create an update
# app/controllers/creatures_controller.rb
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# keep your other methods and add:
# update a creature in the database
def update
# save the id paramater from the url
creature_id = params[:id]
# find the creature to update by id
creature = Creature.find(creature_id)
# get updated creature data from params
updated_attributes = params.require(:creature).permit(:name, :description)
# update the creature
# redirect to single creature show page for this creature
redirect_to creature
# ^ same as redirect_to creature_path(creature)
# ^ same as redirect_to "/creatures/#{}"
- Test your update in the broswer by editing the creature with an
of 1 (go to/creatures/1/edit
Following a similar pattern to the above, we have Rails resources
create a route to destroy (delete) a specific record based on its id
. The RESTful route it creates is DELETE /creatures/:id
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'creatures#index'
resources :creatures, only: [:index, :new, :show, :create, :edit, :update, :destroy]
# resources :creatures with :destroy is equivalent to adding:
# delete "/creatures/:id", to: "creatures#destroy"
Next, we create a controller action for this new route, in the CreaturesController
class CreaturesController < ApplicationController
# keep your other methods, and add:
# delete a specific creature by id
def destroy
# save the id parameter
id = params[:id]
# find the creature to delete by id
creature = Creature.find(id)
# destroy the creature
# redirect to creatures index
redirect_to creatures_path
# ^ same as redirect_to "/creatures"
If you were tempted to use Creature.delete
to delete from the database, that would be okay in this case because there are no relatonships or associations among resources in this app. However, get in the habit of using creature.destroy
to avoid problems with related resources later.
Let's add a delete button in an existing view.
<!-- app/views/creatures/index.html.erb -->
<% @creatures.each do |creature| %>
Name: <%= %> <br>
Description: <%= creature.description %>
<%= button_to "Delete", creature, method: :delete %>
<% end %>
Visit localhost:3000/
and check out the delete button HTML. Clicking one of the delete buttons to manually test your delete feature.
At this point, we have used all the RESTful routes for creatures. Refactor your config/routes.rb
to use reflect that we're using all of resources
for creatures (remove the only:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
root to: 'creatures#index'
resources :creatures
# ^ same as resources :creatures, only: [:index, :new, :create, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
At this point, you've created all the RESTful routes, implemented controller actions for each route, and made views for index, show, new, and edit. You've also created the model in the database and manually tested that everything works.
#CONGRATULATIONS! You have created a Bog App! Take a break, you look Swamped!