This a demo showcasing various capabilities of Streamlit applications built on Snowflake:
- Directly upload data from spreadsheets (.csv, .xlsx) into Snowflake tables
- Visualisations
- Data & file validation
- Caching / Memoization
You will need the following:
- Snowflake account. We highly recommend creating a trial account over any production accounts.
- Snowflake role with
privileges. If using a trial account, theSYSADMIN
role is sufficient for this exercise.
If running this on your own machine, you will need either:
- Python3.8
- Docker
Code and deployment has been tested and verified on Gitpod
The Streamlit code creates a few objects within your Snowflake account:
- A Database:
- A Table:
This sets up the connection from your Streamlit app to your Snowflake account. Make a copy of the included ./.streamlit/secrets_example.toml
cp ./.streamlit/secrets_example.toml ./.streamlit/secrets.toml
Substitute each value with values applicable for your Snowflake demo account
Simply build & run the image with the following:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t snowflake-csv-uploader .
# Run
docker run -it \
-p 8501:8501 \
-v "$PWD":/app \
-w /app \
Assuming everything is run and configured correctly, you will be given a URL link to the app running.
(Optional, but recommended) Create a virtualenv
python3 -m venv ./snowflake-csv-uploader-env
source ./snowflake-csv-uploader-env/bin/activate
Install required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run your app
streamlit run
Assuming everything is run and configured correctly, you will be given a URL link to the app running