This is not a recommendation for using Hetzner. They do not have 24 hour support and scaling machines beyond their limits (10 per customer) takes months. There's more than one story online of people under heavy load getting switched off as traffic is incorreclty assumed to be a DDOS. I'm really looking forward to the day they mature, but please be warned. I'm assuming the risk personally but want other people to understand it too.
Minimalistic floating IP setter for container clusters using Docker Swarm running on Hetzner Cloud. See for documentation.
This project should be used as a container. It will run once and update a given floating IP to point to the node currently running it. This can be used to ensure the floating IP will be reassigned upon node failure, by relying on the underlying cluster to redeploy this service on a healthy node.
You need to configure the floating IPs for the machines you'll use. If you have 3 IPs you'll need to add all 3. Even though the IPs conflict, Hetzner has assured me there will be no issues You can have the floating IP configured within multiple servers but as it is routed only to the server where the IP is assinged to no issue will occur.
(Hetzner Support).
Or add these for each IP. On debian flavours vi /etc/network/interfaces.d/60-my-floating-ip.cfg
auto eth0:1
iface eth0:1 inet static
netmask 32
If you have more than one, do eth0:2, eth0:3 etc...
Then download the hetzner cli (
go get -u
Then login using your api key from their site
hcloud context create my-project
Then run this to get the IDs of your floating IPs (will use these in the docker stack docker-compose.yml config.
hcloud floating-ip list
Then logout if you don't need the connection
hcloud context delete my-project
echo "23497823423847248hetzner_api_key23498723948723497" | docker secret create hetzner_api_key_for_floating_ip -
docker node update --label-add floater=true docker1-prod
This is an example deployment for docker stack deploy
image: sfproductlabs/floater
- hetzner_api_key_for_floating_ip # set via `docker secret create`
API_KEY_FILE: /run/secrets/hetzner_api_key_for_floating_ip
TARGET_HOST: '{{ .Node.Hostname }}' # uses docker swarm's templating to get node name
FLOATING_IP_ID: 12345 # taken from Hetzner cloud console
replicas: 1
- node.labels.floater == true
condition: any
This assumes the node's hostnames are the same as their API names, which is the case unless the hostname has been changed after provisioning.
The deployment of floater
should be limited to those nodes where the floating IP is locally configured (you need to add the IP addresses as above), otherwise incoming traffic will be dropped. I use the constraint veriable in the docker stack compose file to achieve this.
The same nodes should also be configured as ingress nodes. When using the default mesh networking on docker swarm, this is already the case for all worker nodes.
- Thanks to this fella I didn't have to write it. Original Author