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An adaptive charging controller for your Tesla, enabling you to direct excess solar energy to your car.



Tesla Vehicle Command SDK

PVCharge uses tesla-control in the Tesla Vehicle Command SDK to communicate with your car over local Bluetooth

Here are a few hints to help complete the tesla-control installation

Create the directory "keyrings" to hold your private key:
mkdir /home/pi/.local/share/keyrings

Setting the key:
tesla-keygen -key-file /home/pi/.local/share/keyrings/private_key.pem create > public_key.pem

While in the car, pair with this command:
tesla-control -ble add-key-request public_key.pem owner cloud_key


To use TeslaBleHttpProxy (not required if you are using tesla-control), please follow the installation & configuration instructions here

  • Add the PROXY_HOST parameter to your .env file (see example.env)
  • Enable use of the proxy by adding the ENABLE_TESLA_PROXY parameter to your config.toml file (see example_config.toml)
  • Note, when TeslaBleHttpProxy is running it seems to take over local bluetooth hardware. Please stop the proxy before switching back to the tesla-control library.

PVCharge Installation

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Create your own copy of example.env, and example_config.toml
cp example.env .env
cp example_config.toml config.toml
Change all values to match your equipment settings and preferences
  • Copy included PVCharge.service to the proper path (systemd shown)
sudo cp PVCharge.service /etc/systemd/system/
  • Activate the service and start it:
sudo systemctl enable PVCharge.service
sudo systemctl start PVCharge.service
  • Check to ensure it is running:
sudo systemctl status PVCharge.service


PVCharge waits for 3 conditions to be communicated over MQTT from Teslamate

  • Car location is "Home" teslamate/cars/$car_id/geofence
  • Car is plugged in teslamate/cars/$car_id/plugged_in
  • Car battery level is below the App limit teslamate/cars/$car_id/battery_level

When those conditions are satisfied, it will attempt to start charging, when solar energy is available

As PV output changes throughout the day, charging rate will be adjusted to use the excess energy


PVCharge publishes status on MQTT

  • Charging report topic_base/status
  • Current charge rate topic_base/new_charge_rate


  • The behavior of after-hours charging is controlled by MQTT: topic_base/prevent_non_solar_charging
PVCharge will prevent charging when insufficient PV output is available
PVCharge will ignore charging when insufficient PV output is available (default, Configurable in config.toml)

  • The ability to delay charging is controlled by: topic_base/charge_delay
charging is delayed for 1 hour
"##" (number)
charging is delayed by the indicated number of minutes
other text (i.e. "cancel")
resume normal charging


Enable more verbose logging by changing the LOG_LEVEL to DEBUG in config.toml

  • Check PVCharge.log for any unexpected output

Screenshot of adaptive charging seen through eGauge

PV Energy Graph