Steven Wolf 2020-12-09
Load all libraries and load the new function
## Attaching package: 'igraph'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## decompose, spectrum
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
## union
## Loading required package: viridisLite
This function will be has been added to the concorR
repository on
my fork in the next few days. The Travis status is:
Note: given the fact that we have an existing network/partition, I decided to make the input be a single adjacency matrix/partition rather than a list of adjacency matricies/partitions. We want to have the list input for the other method because concor uses list inputs. However, it is superfluous here.
I messed with edge_betweenness
to find communities in the examples in
the standard README for concorR
. They were not instructive (only one
community), so I abandoned that. Instead, I have created a random
network and found communities there:
g <-,p=0.2)
g_adj <- as.matrix(as_adjacency_matrix(g))
ebc.g <-
ebPart <- ebc.g$membership
Show the whole network:
vColor = viridis(max(unlist(ebPart)))
plot(g, vertex.color = vColor[ebc.g$membership])
First, let’s show that the reduced network works for the degree statistic: <- make_reduced_from_partition(g_adj, ebPart, stat='degree')
And now, the density statistic: <- make_reduced_from_partition(g_adj, ebPart, stat='density')
## function (adj_mat, partition, stat = "density")
## {
## if (stat == "density") {
## dens <- .edge_dens(adj_mat)
## nb = max(partition)
## reduced_den = matrix(0, nrow = nb, ncol = nb)
## rownames(reduced_den) = paste("Block", 1:nb)
## colnames(reduced_den) = paste("Block", 1:nb)
## for (j in 1:nb) {
## nRows = sum(j == partition)
## for (k in 1:nb) {
## nCols = sum(k == partition)
## if (nRows == 1) {
## if (nCols == 1) {
## blk_adj_mat = adj_mat[j == partition, k ==
## partition]
## d = ifelse(blk_adj_mat > 0, 1, 0)
## }
## else {
## blk_adj_mat = adj_mat[j == partition, k ==
## partition]
## blk_adj_mat = matrix(blk_adj_mat, nrow = 1)
## d = .block_edge_dens(blk_adj_mat)
## }
## }
## else {
## if (nCols == 1) {
## blk_adj_mat = adj_mat[j == partition, k ==
## partition]
## blk_adj_mat = matrix(blk_adj_mat, ncol = 1)
## }
## else {
## blk_adj_mat = adj_mat[j == partition, k ==
## partition]
## }
## d = ifelse(j == k, .edge_dens(blk_adj_mat),
## .block_edge_dens(blk_adj_mat))
## }
## reduced_den[j, k] = d
## }
## }
## reduced_den[is.nan(reduced_den)] <- 0
## reduced_den[reduced_den < dens] <- 0
## reduced_den[reduced_den > 0] <- 1
## return_list <- list()
## return_list$reduced_mat <- reduced_den
## return_list$dens <- dens
## return(return_list)
## }
## else if (stat == "degree") {
## outdegree = .scaledDegree(adj_mat)
## nb = max(partition)
## reduced_degree = matrix(0, nrow = nb, ncol = nb)
## rownames(reduced_degree) = paste("Block", 1:nb)
## colnames(reduced_degree) = paste("Block", 1:nb)
## for (j in 1:nb) {
## nRows = sum(j == partition)
## for (k in 1:nb) {
## nCols = sum(k == partition)
## if (nRows == 1) {
## if (nCols == 1) {
## blk_adj_mat = adj_mat[j == partition, k ==
## partition]
## outDeg = ifelse(blk_adj_mat > 0, 1, 0)
## }
## else {
## blk_adj_mat = adj_mat[j == partition, k ==
## partition]
## blk_adj_mat = matrix(blk_adj_mat, nrow = 1)
## outDeg = .scaledDegree(blk_adj_mat)
## }
## }
## else {
## if (nCols == 1) {
## blk_adj_mat = adj_mat[j == partition, k ==
## partition]
## blk_adj_mat = matrix(blk_adj_mat, ncol = 1)
## }
## else {
## blk_adj_mat = adj_mat[j == partition, k ==
## partition]
## }
## outDeg = .scaledDegree(blk_adj_mat)
## }
## reduced_degree[j, k] = outDeg
## }
## }
## reduced_degree[is.nan(reduced_degree)] <- 0
## reduced_degree[reduced_degree < outdegree] <- 0
## reduced_degree[reduced_degree > 0] <- 1
## return_list <- list()
## return_list$reduced_mat <- reduced_degree
## return_list$deg <- outdegree
## return(return_list)
## }
## else {
## stop("Statistics implemented for determining edges in reduced networks are only \n density and degree.")
## }
## }
## <bytecode: 0x560efc214298>
## <environment: namespace:concorR>