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Security: sgammon/hashlock


Security Policy

What follows is the security policy for Hashlock, which is part of the Elide project. Please see Elide's Security Policy for questions and concerns not answered herein.

Supported Versions

The following library versions are currently supported for security updates and vulnerability reporting:

Version Supported
< 1.0.0 Pre-release; best-effort

Reporting a Vulnerability

Please report all vulnerabilities, in private if necessary, to the Elide Project.

Security Posture & Review

Hashlock is designed to run in multiple contexts and environments, and, in each, the threat model and corresponding security guarantees are slightly different. The threat model, as understood by the authors, is reviewed below, along with an internal security review.

Use Contexts

Hashlock can be used as a JavaScript CLI or library, as a standalone binary, or as a GitHub Action. Each use context is detailed below, and each has its own threat model and security posture notes.

JavaScript CLI & Library

Hashlock ships as a JavaScript module on NPM, on GitHub Packages, and via GitHub Releases.

JavaScript library sources are available as ECMAScript Modules (.mjs), and as CommonJS Modules (.js). Exports are provided explicitly, with each mapping ESM, CJS, and TypeScript types. SLSA provenance is available for these library releases and they are also published on Sigstore.

Standalone Binary

Hashlock also ships as native binary artifacts, built as standalone Bun binaries. These artifacts are provided via GitHub Releases, and soon NPM.

Standalone binaries are built in their native operating environment, with the following supported platforms:

  • linux-amd64
  • macos-amd64
  • macos-aarch64

Binaries are built with the latest version of Bun at the time of release, directly from TypeScript, and package all necessary dependencies. SLSA provenance and other verification material are available for these binaries.

GitHub Actions

Hashlock also ships as a GitHub Action. In this case, the action dispatches the dist/action.js file, which is committed to source control with each update.

The GHA entrypoint is designed to be run on Node v20+, and builds against Node v21.

Threat Model

1) Underlying primitives.

Hashlock uses primitives from node:fs/promises and node:crypto. These primitives could, of course, have bugs or vulnerabilities from time to time; where native executables are concerned, Hashlock incorporates an aggressive release schedule to apply the latest code from Bun.

Where Node is concerned (GHA and Node entrypoints), this aspect of Hashlock's threat model is not within our control; users are encouraged to follow NVD for Node or Bun-related vulnerabilities and patch accordingly.

2) Underlying libraries.

Hashlock uses glob for filesystem scanning. Because Hashlock is packaged as a bundle, glob is listed as a devDependency, so it is not passed along transitively. Downstream libraries, therefore, should not inherit their own vulnerability surface from glob, since Hashlock is usually used at build time, as a devDependency itself.

Vulnerabilities or bugs could surface in glob from time to time. This library currently has no published security policy, but it is popular/high-visibility (136m weekly downloads), it is maintained, and the author is responsive.

3) Build pipelines.

Hashlock does not perform downloads or invoke external programs. The logic behind Hashlock does not access environment variables or execute loaded code. Thus, especially considering release artifact provenance material, it should be safe to use within build pipelines, with no possibility of overwriting or otherwise mutating user code.

4) File access.

There is exactly one place where dynamic input turns into a system call which is not a hash: when Hashlock loads a subject file as directed by a hashfile. For example, consider the following hashlock file:


98ea6e4f216f2fb4b69fff9b3a44842c38686ca685f3f55dc48c5d3fb1107be4 file.txt

Hashlock finds this file during hashlock check ., reads the containing bytes, decodes the bytes into utf-8, and then processes the input. Next, Hashlock examines file.txt, and looks on the filesystem for a matching filename.

It is at this time that user input is taken into consideration for a suite of syscalls. However, several mitigations are in place so that this mechanism doesn't lose control:

  • "Subject files" (as file.txt is called here) must be peers to their hash files, in the same directory
  • Subject files must have a name matching either the line in the hashfile, or the hashfile's name itself

Security Guarantees

Hashlock relies on the cryptographic and filesystem intrinsics provided by the operating runtime, usually either Node or Bun.

Security guarantees provided by the software itself:

  • Hashlock does not access environment variables
  • Hashlock does not spawn external programs

Security guarantees provided by the software's build process:

  • All releases and native executable builds happen in a cleanroom environment, from scratch
  • All release artifacts are signed, provenance-enabled, and in most cases published to Sigstore
  • All build steps occur in a sudo-less environment
  • All build steps occur with strict network allowlisting and source code overwrite monitoring

Relevant Policies

There aren’t any published security advisories