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  • NodeJS v20+
  • Yarn for package management. [ Note: Only use yarn for package management ]
  • VSCode for IDE


Workflow overview

  • main: Production deployment
  • staging: Pre-release deployment
  • develop: Continuous development and merging new features.
  • feat/*: Common features to be used on both CMS and Web.
  • bugfix/*: Common bugfix to be done on both CMS and Web.

Web development

  • feat-web/*: New Web features.
  • bugfix-web/*: Bugfix Web.

CMS development

  • feat-cms/*: New CMS features.
  • bugfix-cms/*: Bugfix CMS.


  • Pull main into your branches regularly.
  • Never pull develop into your branches.
  • Keep your local repo up-to-date with origin.


We use AWS Amplify over traditional EC2 for cost and performance advantages. There should be only two amplify instances, one for Web and other for CMS. Most DNS servers, don't allow root domain to connect with CName. However, the domain management in Amplify take care of the problem in most case. But if you have a special case, ask for help in #frontend-developers or dev-sync meeting.

Sitemap and robots

  • For Web, the sitemap.xml & robots.txt will be automatically added for all pages using next-sitemap. The robots.txt automatically disable all pages from ranking in SEO for staging environment.
  • For CMS, there is no need for sitemap.xml and robots.txt already disable all pages from ranking in SEO.

Import Alias


All packages inside /packages/* must be imported using @pkg alias.

/* apps/web/pages/index.tsx */

// Don't ❌
import Image from '../../../packages/components/Image'
import useQuery from '../../../packages/hooks/useQuery'

// Do this ✅
import Image from '@pkg/components/Image'
import useQuery from '@pkg/hooks/useQuery'


All files inside /apps/web must be imported using @web alias.

/* apps/web/pages/index.tsx */

// Don't ❌
import Button from '../components/Button'
import useProfile from '../hooks/useProfile'

// Do this ✅
import Button from '@web/components/Button'
import useProfile from '@web/hooks/useProfile'


All files inside /apps/cms must be imported using @cms alias.

/* apps/cms/pages/index.tsx */

// Don't ❌
import Button from '../components/Button'
import useProfile from '../hooks/useProfile'

// Do this ✅
import Button from '@cms/components/Button'
import useProfile from '@cms/hooks/useProfile'


With Design Team

  • Ask the design team to provide the assets like favicon and og:image.
  • Don't allow unnamed colors unless it's a brand color of other services.
  • Please ask the designer for Button's hover, active, loading and disable state designs.
  • Ask the design team to organize all of their icons, components, typographies and colors in a single place and always update as project grows.


  • The design frame should be 375px for mobile and 1280px for desktop.
  • When including lottie animations, always ask for dotLottie(light in size) files first. Then use the @web/components/Lottie.
  • There should be only two typography per project, one is title-* and body-*. If there is more than two typography please ask design team to remove those and extend it as a variant into title-* & body-* or attach it to the Figma component instance.


  • The design frame should be 375px for mobile and 1024px for desktop.

With Client Team

  • Always ask for SEO title and description for each public pages.

With Other Developers

  • If you have already added a component or icon from Figma to Codebase, please comment the file location above the component in Figma. So that other developer won't rebuild the same component and waste time.
  • If you think the design has some mistake or diverge from business logic, please make sure with BE devs, PMs and designers before developing it. It's not only the responsibility of design team to carry the business logic all the time alone.

With Project Manager and Tech Leads

  • If the UI has been changed after you started the development, please inform them. But don't go too far for small changes.
  • If you think you won't be able to finish the task on time, please inform them early. So that they can plan for alternate solutions.
  • Always discuss with them about which web hosting service will be used since some services are new to us and can take time.


If you don't follow these rules, you will be forced to changed your codes with your own personal time to align with these rules.

  • Don't install a library unless the existing codebase and techstack don't have it. E.g. Don't add react-tabs while RadixUI has it's own tab component. Every new libirary added on your own can be a pain for the next developer.

  • If the existing components or functions are missing the feature you need, tweak and improve it. Don't copy existing code and create a new goblin mutant like Button2.

  • Always use the built-in things provided by libraries. Don't punish yourself and the devs after you by creating own caching mechanism while the TanstackQuery and NextImage provide it already. They know how to handle these sh*ts better than us.

  • Don't disable safety mechanisms likes typescript, eslint rules & git hooks even in your local files. Always type your code, most of the devs don't type their data most of the time. We don't expect your code to be 100% typesafe, but we want atleast 85%. You must always type your components props and data returned from API. Don't give project timeline as a excuse since these don't cause huge difference in timeline.

  • For images, only use the image from @pkg/components/Image or @pkg/components/Image/Ratio which are based on next/image. Using HTML <img /> tag is not allowed. Learn how to use next/image properly as you are working as a frontend developer with NextJS and not HTML/CSS.

  • For icons and stickers, only use React components and .svg is not allowed. Please put the files to web/icons/*.

  • Never use px units unless it's for border-width or the value is less than 3px.

  • Don't use arbitrary values in tailwind classes unless it doesn't exist in tailwind design system. E.g. p-[0.25rem] is not allowed to use since tailwind has p-1.

  • Load fonts only with next/font. Please override the font declaration in _app.tsx with your respective fonts. When needed to load a custom font with next/font, please declare the font files inside public/fonts. If it's a variable font, always pick for the variable font file instead of weight based files.


  • There must be only two typography for entier website in Figma title-* & body-*. If there are more than two typography in Figma, ask designer to remove it and extend it to the existing typographies.

Best practices

  • Please avoid using global states as much as possible. Try to carry data with URL as it's the standart approach and devs mostly forgot to clear global states when a process is finished.

  • Animating components is very easy with packages/components/Motion. All you have to do is just replace div with Motion. So please consider about writing alive web pages.


  • Every pages should be wrapped with @web/components/Page.

    // pages/*.tsx
    import { Page } from '@web/components/Page'
    export default function Index() {
      return <Page></Page>
  • Don't always use div and p alone. There are other elements too. Like section, h1->h6 and span.


A monorepo boilerplate for both web and cms.






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Contributors 3
