small and opinionated DynamoDB ORM, which quite easy to kick you start with DynamoDB calls. this Lib implementing the following calls
- Query Operations
// DBQueries DynamoDB query related interface
type DBQueries interface {
// GetByID get by partition (& sort) key(s)
GetByID(ctx context.Context, input BaseModel, name DynamoTableOrIndexName, dbKeys DBPSKeyValues) (BaseModel, error)
// GetByIDs get records by their partition (& sort) keys
GetByIDs(ctx context.Context, input BaseModel, dbKeys []DBPSKeyValues) ([]BaseModel, error)
// GetRecordsWithScanFilter gets all records that match the provided filter using scan req
// @TODO change it to map[string]interface{}
GetRecordsWithScanFilter(ctx context.Context, input BaseModel, filters *AwsExpressionWrapper) ([]BaseModel, DBAttributeValues, error)
// GetRecordsWithQueryFilter gets all records that match the provided filter using query req
GetRecordsWithQueryFilter(ctx context.Context, input BaseModel, filters *AwsExpressionWrapper) ([]BaseModel, DBAttributeValues, error)
- Command Operations
// DBCommands DynamoDB commands related interface
type DBCommands interface {
// AddRecord inserts a new record to dynamo DB table
AddRecord(ctx context.Context, in BaseModel, createSortKey bool) (DBPSKeyValues, error)
// UpdateRecordByID updates a dynamodb record
UpdateRecordByID(ctx context.Context, in BaseModel, dbKeys DBPSKeyValues) error
// DeleteRecordByID deletes a dynamodb record if the passed filters were matched:
DeleteRecordByID(ctx context.Context, dbKeys DBPSKeyValues, filters *AwsExpressionWrapper) error
- Batch or Bulk Operations
// DBBulkCommands Dynamo Bulk commands related interface
type DBBulkCommands interface {
// BulkAddRecords inserts a bulk of records (maximum 25 item at a time) into dynamodb table
BulkAddRecords(ctx context.Context, baseModel BaseModel, createSortKey bool, records ...BaseModel) ([]BaseModel, error)
// BulkUpdateRecords updates multiple dynamo records
BulkUpdateRecords(ctx context.Context, baseModel BaseModel, records ...BaseModel) ([]BaseModel, error)
// BulkDeleteRecords delete a bulk of dynamo records
BulkDeleteRecords(ctx context.Context, dbKeys ...DBPSKeyValues) ([]DBPSKeyValues, error)
- define your model that is supposed to be mapped to DynamoDB table. Notes to consider, the json annotations will reflect the columns names
type User struct {
ID string `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
FirstName string `json:"first_name,omitempty"`
LastName string `json:"last_name,omitempty"`
EmailAddress string `json:"email_address,omitempty"`
- implement the following functionalities that is provided in Base Model Interface
// GetModelType return the name of the table
func (user User) GetModelType() DBModelName {
return "user"
// Marshal convert User Model to Dynamo Map
func (user User) Marshal() (DBMap, error) {
return dynamodbattribute.MarshalMap(user)
// Unmarshal convert DynamoDB Map to Base model
func (user User) Unmarshal(dbMap DBMap) (BaseModel, error) {
usr := User{}
err := dynamodbattribute.UnmarshalMap(dbMap, &usr)
return usr, err
// GetPartSortKey returns the values for the Partition and sorting key for the table or table index
func (user User) GetPartSortKey(index *DynamoTableOrIndexName) DBPSKeyValues {
// creates the table main primary key
tableSortKey := DBKeyValue(user.EmailAddress)
mainPSKeys := NewDbPSKeyValues(DBKeyValue(user.ID), &tableSortKey)
if index == nil {
return mainPSKeys
// define the table indexes key's values
keysByIndexes := map[DynamoTableOrIndexName]DBPSKeyValues{
// user_by_email index has only partition key
"user_by_email_index": NewDbPSKeyValues(DBKeyValue(user.EmailAddress), nil),
return keysByIndexes[*index]
- create the repo
// repo repository interface
type repo interface {
createUser(ctx context.Context, req User) error
updateUser(ctx context.Context, req User) error
getUserByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (User, error)
getAll(ctx context.Context, pageSize int, lastItemID string, ch chan<- User)
//repo implementation
type dbHandler struct {
db DBHandler
config DBConfig
func newUserRepo(db DBHandler, config DBConfig) repo {
return &dbHandler{db: db, config: config}
func (h dbHandler) createUser(ctx context.Context, req User) error {
_, err := h.db.AddRecord(ctx, req, true)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create user")
return nil
func (h dbHandler) updateUser(ctx context.Context, req User) error {
// you can update by using two different dynamodb calls
// 1. Update(ctx context.Context, partKey string, sortKey *string, data map[FieldName]interface{})
// you could use this for partial and full update
// 2. UpdateRecordByID(ctx context.Context, in BaseModel, dbKeys DBPSKeyValues)
_, err := h.db.AddRecord(ctx, req, false)
return err
func (h dbHandler) getUserByID(ctx context.Context, id string) (User, error) {
pKey := NewDbPSKeyValues(DBKeyValue(id), nil)
res, err := h.db.GetByID(ctx, User{}, DynamoTableOrIndexName(h.config.TableInfo.TableName), pKey)
if err != nil {
return User{}, err
return res.(User), nil
func (h dbHandler) getAll(ctx context.Context, pageSize int, lastItemID string, ch chan<- User) {
// please note that this is a scan query which is quite expensive in terms of cost and time
// you can use filter operation to reduce the result space but the operation will execute on
// dynamodb then the filter wil be applied
// the results will be paginated. please refer to aws limits for scan queries
// use it with caution
defer close(ch)
filter := NewExpressionWrapper(h.config.TableInfo.TableName).
WithKeyCondition("first_name", "saddam", EQUAL).
AndCondition("last_name", "abu", EQUAL).
if lastItemID != "" {
filter.WithLastEvaluatedKey("user_id", lastItemID, nil, nil)
items, err := h.db.GetRecordsWithScanFilter(ctx, User{}, filter)
if err != nil {
// you should handle the error, as for what is written to show the usage
ch <- User{}
for _, item := range items {
user, ok := item.(User)
if !ok {
// you should handle the error, as for what is written to show the usage
ch <- User{}
// everything is fine
ch <- user
func (h dbHandler) getAllByScan(ctx context.Context, pageSize int, lastItemID string, ch chan<- User) {
// please note that this is a query which is efficient in terms of cost and time
// you can use filter operation on indexed fields to reduce the data size
// the results will be paginated. please refer to aws limits for scan queries
// use it with caution
defer close(ch)
filter := NewExpressionWrapper(h.config.TableInfo.TableName).
WithKeyCondition("first_name", "saddam", EQUAL).
AndCondition("last_name", "abu", EQUAL).
if lastItemID != "" {
filter.WithLastEvaluatedKey("user_id", lastItemID, nil, nil)
items, err := h.db.GetRecordsWithQueryFilter(ctx, User{}, filter)
if err != nil {
// you should handle the error, as for what is written to show the usage
ch <- User{}
for _, item := range items {
user, ok := item.(User)
if !ok {
// you should handle the error, as for what is written to show the usage
ch <- User{}
// everything is fine
ch <- user