Lambda Calculus and System F interpreter.
A simple implementation of the Untyped Lambda Calculus and System F. It is written in Haskell and is implemented to be as easy as possible to follow, at the possible expense of performance.
This project is intended to be an educational resource for learning and implementing functional programming languages.
Lambda Calculator is on Hackage:
cabal install lambda-calculator
Once the program is installed, you simply run it:
lambda-calculator # Or,
lambda-calculator --system-f
This will open a repl (read-eval-print loop) prompt
Lambda Calculator (
Type :h for help
For information on valid syntax, type :h
or :help
You can start typing lambda calculus expressions and the program will evaluate them and print the result. Here are a few examples:
Lambda Calculator (
Type :h for help
λ > \x. x
λx. x
λ > (\x. x) n
λ > (\n f x. f (n f x)) (\f x. f (f x))
λf x. f (f (f x))
λ > :q
Here are some examples for the System F interpreter (--system-f
Lambda Calculator (
Type :h for help
Λ > \x:T. x
λ x:T. x : T -> T
Λ > (\x:T. x) y:T
y:T : T
Λ > (\n:((T->T)->T->T) f:(T->T) x:T. f (n f x)) (\f:(T->T) x:T. x)
λ f:(T->T) x:T. f x : (T -> T) -> T -> T
Λ > :q
You can exit by typing the command :q.
In order to build, you will need
- GHC >= 8
- stack
stack build
Then install:
stack install
In order to run the testsuite, run
stack test
Complete implementation specifications can be found here:
Sean Gillespie
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE