For Linux GPG, is typically pre-installed. For Mac, install GPG Suite.
Before you can securely send me files and messages, you must first import my GPG public key.
curl -L | gpg --import
Feel free to edit the trust of my key with:
$ gpg --edit-key 'Sam Gleske'
gpg> trust
gpg> save
The following encrypts a file
to file.asc
. Share the encrypted file.asc
with me.
gpg -ear 'Sam Gleske' file
For larger files, it's better to create a file.gpg
gpg -er 'Sam Gleske' file
This section is more of a personal note for me.
If files need to be downloaded onto my laptop, then I stream tar into GPG to encrypt it.
ssh HOSTNAME 'tar -cz file1 file2' | gpg -er 'Sam Gleske' -o file.tgz.gpg
To upload and extract the contents from local to a remote server the following command can be run.
gpg -d < file.tgz.gpg | ssh HOSTNAME 'tar -xz'