Tribute to the "cool_random" small particle data set.
cool_random visualized in MegaMol™
The is the original mmpld file of the cool_random data set.
It is a single time frame, one list of particles, with 73642
Most particles store as color R: 64, G: 64, B: 255
All particles store as radius 0.5
The is a raw memory dump of cool_random.mmpld
for easier consumption without the need for additional tools.
This file is exactly 73642 x 3
32-bit float values (883,704 Bytes), the (x, y, z)
coordinates of all particles in cool_random (stored interleaved: xyzxyzxyz...
The file is generated by the tool makeRaw in this repository.
Sometimes an accident or a mistake leads to something unexpected. This here happened while I was starting at the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart (VISUS) to work on my Ph.D. research. I was changing a program which encodes the positions of particle-based data in an hierarchical kd-tree. I started with a simple box, filled randomly with particles, taking some care they don't overlap too much. Then I built the kd-tree. And there was a bug. Somehow the particles' coordinates where wrongly transformed from their global position to their relative positions within the hierarchy, and wrongly converted back to global positions again. I don't know exactly what I did wrong.
The result was visually interesting, yes, I dare to say, nice. So, I kept the data set around, and I actually used it as a small initial test data set for many, almost all of my methods and algorithms I created during my Ph.D. work. I believe, it's structure is interesting and images of the data are visually pleasing. I can say, this nicely randomized particle data set was a great companion for me during these times.
Thank you, cool_random. Thank you.
The data set and all tools in this repository are freely available via the MIT LICENSE.
If you use the data set, I kindly ask that you link back to this repository:
If you do something cool, and want to share an image or a story, you are more than welcome to open a pull request.